American Industrialization

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    Between 1865 and 1914 nearly 25 million Europeans immigrated to the united states. Most immigrants came from Europe but they also came from Russia, Ireland, and Japan. 70% of the immigrants were men. They came to start over in life and to escape poverty.
  • Baseball boys

    In 1869 the first professional baseball organization was formed. The Cincinnati red stockings
  • William "boss" Tweed's political machine

    During the 1870s New York was run by Tammany hall (the New York Democratic political machine) William "boss" tweed was their leader.
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    The gilded age

    A time of marvels and technological advancements.
  • Chinese exclusion act

    In 1882 congress passed the Chinese exclusion act. This law prevented Chinese immigrants from coming to America for a 10 year span
  • The first skyscraper

    The first skyscraper was built in Chicago. It was called the Home Insurance Building.
  • American protective association

    In 1887 an anti-catholic organization was formed. The members vowed not to hire or vote for Catholics
  • The McKinley Tariff

    In 1890 William Mckinley passed a tariff bill that cut tobacco taxes and tariff rates on sugar but greatly increased the rates on other goods. This was supposed to protect American industries from foreign competitors. Instead, it triggered a steep rise in prices for all goods.
  • Election of 1896

    The election of 1896 was influential because it showed that farmers held little to no political ground. This is because one political group spoke to the farmers while the other spoke to the cities. In the end, the bigger cities won.
  • The first world series

    the first official world series was played in 1903. It was the Boston red sox vs the Pitsburg pirates.