American Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to

    American Industrial Revolution

  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    Eli Whitney created the cotton gin. Cotton gin caused more slavery because the South needed more slaves to produce more cotton.
  • Mass Production

    Mass Production
    In order to meet the growing demand owners from factories developed systems for turning out large products fastly and less expensive. Mass Production helped these systems carry out tasks that were at one time done at hand.
  • Urbanization

    physical growth of rural or natural land in urban areas
  • Laissez Faire

    Laissez Faire
    when the Government allowed businesses to operate under the minimal government regulation
  • Enterprise

    Enterprise is a project or undertaking typically1 that is harder or requires effort
  • Entrepreneur

    Entrepreneur is a promoter in the entertainment industry
  • Means of production

    Means of production
    Means of productionis Facilities and resources of producing goods.
  • Bessemer process

    Bessemer process
    bessemer process is a process of producing steel which filth is removed.
  • Labor Union

    Labor Union
    An organized associationof workers often in a trade or profession formed to protect their rights and interests
  • Knights of Labor

    Knights of Labor
    an organized group of tailors led by Uriah P. Stephens.The Knights attracted unskilled workers.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas  Edison
    Thomas Edison made the first model of a phonograph.
    A phonograph is a record player.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    John D. Rockefeller changed the petroleum industry. John D. Rockefeller also founded the Standard Oil Company.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    The Haymarket affair was a outbreak of violence. Demands for an 8 hour working day quickly became a wide spread among American laborers.
  • American Federation of Labor

    American Federation of Labor
    American Federation of Labor is a federation of North American labor unions.
    American Federation of Labor looked at its members higher wages, working conditions and a shorter work week
  • ICC

    The United States created the ICC to oversee railroad operations. The ICC could only monitor railroads that crossed the state lines.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    The Sherman Antitrust Act outlawed any trust that operated in restraint of commerece and or trade between the several different states.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    He had monopoly in the steel industry.
  • monopoly

    the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity.
  • Eugene v. Debs

    Eugene v. Debs
    a American union leader.
    Eugene founded the industrial workers union.
  • Tenement

    A room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block apartments
  • Capitalism

    a economic and political system which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners
  • Traditional economy

    Traditional economy
    An economy based on custom and traditional command.
  • Command economy

    Command economy
    An economy in which production investments and prices are decided centrally by a government