Indian Removal act
California Gold Rush
Masacre at Sand Creek
One of the most tragic events that happened. John Chinvinton said : I want no peace till more Indians suffer." His troops desenceded Cheyenne and Araphco about 200 warriors and 500 children camped there, The attack at dawn killed over 150 inhabitants most were woman and children. -
Death On Booze Man trail
Started with Cheif Red Cloud had unsuccessfully appealed the goverment to end the white settlement on the trail. Then Crazy Horse ambushed Captain William J Fetterman and his company at Lodge Trail Ridge, as a result over 80 soilders were killed. Native Americans called the fight of hundred slain. Whites called it Feeterman Masacre. -
KIlling of Buffalo
Red river war
Battle of RoseBud
Little Big Horn
Clusters last stand when colnel Cluster and his troops reached Little Bighorn river Native Americans were waiting for them, thus the warriors outflanked and wrecked Clusters soliders. WIthin an hour Cluster and his men were dead, however the sioux were beaten Siting Bull and a few followers took refuge in Canada where they remained till 1881. -
Dawes Act
Dawes Act was passed aiming to americanize Native Americans. The impact was it managed to break up the reservations , and gave some of the reservations to native indivduals 160 acres to a family 80 to an unmaried native . -
Wounded Knee Massacre
Custers rounded up 350 sioux an took the the men to wounded knee creek in south dakota. The next day the soilders demanded all the Native Americans give up their weapons. A shot was fired fro unkown side thus Seventh Calvary sluaghtered 300 unarmed Native men. this fight brought the indian wars an entire era to an end.