Great Plaines Reservation and Land Set Aside by Government for Native Americans
Discovery of Gold in Colorado
The Gold Rush of 1858 changed the atmosphere and look of the Colorado region. Men from many different backrounds such as, German, Polish, Irish, African- American and Chinese- American came to Colorado towns to attempt to become rich. In doing so, these towns became dirty and over run by people. Women tried to make it big by beginning businesses such as mining, freight carriers and laundresses to take advantage of all the strong numbers of people moving to this region. In this process, mining ci -
Chicago Union Stock Yard
To understand this story, one needs to understand some of the background. The Sioux community was overcome with poverty and disease. They consulted with a Paiute prophet who suggested doing a Ghost Dance in order for Native Americans to have their land and way of life back to the way it was before white people came and disrupted it. More than 25,000 Sioux started doing the Ghost Dance. This made military leaders nervous, so they arrested Sitting Bull. One of Sitting Bulls body guards shot and ki -
Red Cloud
Red Cloud was the Sioux Chief. In the Bighorn Mountains, Sioux people had their hunting grounds at The Bozeman Trail. Red Cloud tried, unsuccessfully, to end white settlers living at The Bozeman Trail. The government did not agree. In December, 1866, Crazy Horse ambushed Captain Fetterman and his entire company, killing more than 80 soldiers. Native Americans named this fight “Battle of the Hundred Slain.” White people called it the “Fetterman Massare”. -
Geronimo Fought Mexico and U.S. Troops
Crazy Horse Fought and Beat Colonol Custer at Little Bighorn River
Sitting Bull
In early June of 1881, the tribes of Sioux and Cheyenne held a Sun Dance where Sitting Bull had a vision of many Native Americans and a few dead Americans. When General Custer came to Little Bighorn River, Sitting Bull and fellow tribe members were waiting. They took Custer and his troops by surprise and killed the American troops. This historic event is called “Custer’s Last Stand”. Sitting Bull’s vision came to life and what he saw truly happened that day at Little Big Horn. Eventually, Sittin -
Dawes Act
In 1887, the Congress passed this act. This act wanted the Native Americans to be more “Americanized”. The Dawes Act split up the reservations and gave some of the reserved land to the Native Americans around 160 acres of land was given to a whole family and around 80 acres of land was given to a single adult. The rest of the reserved land would go to settlers and the other income would be used by the Native Americans for objects to work on the farm. In the early 1900’s, over more than half of t -
Wovoka Claimed Prophetic Vision During a Solar Eclipse
Batle of Wounded Knee