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American Indian Social Movement

  • Eddie Benton

    Eddie Benton
    Eddie Benton was an important part of the AIM movement since he was one of the co founders for it.
  • Clyde Bellecourt

    Clyde Bellecourt
    Clyde Bellecourt was an important person during the AIM because he was the one who organized the AIM movements and the siezes.
  • Dennis Banks

    Dennis Banks
    Dennis Banks was one of the founders of the AIM movement and was important because he helped lead the 1973 armed occupation of Wounded Knee.
  • The start of the American Indian social movement.

    The start of the American Indian social movement.
    The American indian movement was made for the reasons that they were frustrated by discrimination and decades of federal Indian policy.
  • What were the AIM fighting for.

    What were the AIM fighting for.
    The reason the AIM was formed is because the American Indians wanted treaty rights and the reclamation of tribal land.
  • Why did the AIM feel the need to pursue change in U.S. society?

    Why did the AIM feel the need to pursue change in U.S. society?
    The reason that the AIM wanted to change the U.S. society was because they felt that their land was illegally taken and knew that was wrong of U.S. so they wanted to get their land back and equal rights for everyone.
  • The outcome of the AIM movement.

    The outcome of the AIM movement.
    The outcome of it was. economic independence, revitalization of traditional culture, protection of legal rights, and, most especially, autonomy over tribal areas and the restoration of lands that they believed had been illegally seized.
  • Alcatraz aim

    Alcatraz aim
    The American Indians were proving a point that the land was theirs and wanted it back by taking over Alcatraz penitentiary.
  • The "Trail of Broken Treaties"

    The "Trail of Broken Treaties"
    The Trail of Broken Treaties was an American Indian protest that went all over the nation and protested about what they were fighting for.
  • Occupation of wounded Knee

    Occupation of wounded Knee
    The American Indians seized and occupied the Town of wounded knee to make a point that the land is theirs and wanted it back.