American Imperialism

By alaue
  • Americans acquisition of Alaska

    Americans acquisition of Alaska
    • Bought Alaska for 7.2 million from Russia
    • 2 cents per acre and the US acquired land rich in timber, minerals, and oil
  • Period: to

    Growth of American Imperialism

    • Desire for military strength
    • Thirst for new markets
    • Belief in cultural superiority
  • Spanish American War (April to August 1898)

    Spanish American War (April to August 1898)
    • Caused by the USS Maine exploding, to protect American business in Cuba, American supported Cuba's independence from Spain, and yellow journalists call for war
    • Navy Battles Spanish ships in the Philippines and destroy Spanish fleet in the Pacific commanded by George Dewey allowing Americans to land in Philippines only 6 hours later
    • US Army defeats Spain at the Battle of Sun Juan Hin
    • Outcomes of the war Cuba gains independence, america becomes world power, and control of territories
  • America's acquisition of Hawaii

     America's acquisition of Hawaii
    • Pressured Hawaii to let them set up naval base in Pearl Harbor (1887)
    • Congress proclaimed Hawaii an American territory although Hawaiians had never had the chance to vote
  • America and Puerto Rico

    America and Puerto Rico
    • During the war the US occupied Puerto Rico
    • US wants to set up a base in Puerto Rico to keep watch in the area where they want to put a canal
    • Foraker Act passed by congress ends Puerto Rico's military rule and sets up a civil government act that gives the president the power to appoint people to Puerto Rico's government
  • America and Cuba

    America and Cuba
    • 1898 US recognizes Cuba's independence
    • 1901 US passed the Amendment stating
    • Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its independence or permit a foreign power to control any part of its territory
    • The US reserved the right to intervene in Cuba
    • Cuba was not to go into debt its government could not repay
    • The US could buy or lease land on the island for naval stations and refueling station
    • Cuba becomes a protectorate
  • America and the Philippines

    America and the Philippines
    • Filipinos rebel causing Philippine American war
    • They were angry about the Treaty of Paris
    • The rebellion was lead by Emilio Aguinaldo
    • The US takes strong approach and takes 3 years to get rid of the rebellion
    • The US president would appoint a governor, who would appoint the upper house of the legislature
    • Philippines got to elect the lower house
    • After the war Philippines became independent republic July 4, 1946
  • America and China

    America and China
    • John Hays issued in 1899 a series of policy statements called the open door notes. The notes were letters addressed to the leaders of imperialists nations proposing that the nations share their trading rights with the US
    • The Chinese were attacked by the boxers which killed thousands of Chinese people
    • To protecting american rights - the US would "safeguard for the world the principle of equal and impartial trade with all parts of Chinese Empire"
  • Theodore Roosevelt Foreign Policy

    Theodore Roosevelt Foreign Policy
    • Believes in US presence overseas
    • Negotiates peace between warring Russia and Japan which leads to many diplomatic talks between US and Japan as interest in East Asia increases
    • Won Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 because of the Treaty of Portsmouth
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    • America wants a canal that cuts through central america
    • The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 gives US exclusive rights to build and control canal
    • Building begins in 1904 and ends in 1914
    • Costs US $380 million
    • Builders fight problems like several diseases and very soft volcanic soil
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    • Late 1800's Latin American nations borrowed huge amounts of money from Europe for internal developments
    • The corollary adds to the Foreign policy stating that the US would now use force to protect economic interests in Latin America
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    • Porfirio Diaz had been the ruler of Mexico and friend of US for 30 years
    • In 1911 peasants overthrew Diaz
    • Francisco Madero became leader
    • President didn't recognize them because of the violence
    • Mexico rebels
    • Eventually both sides backed down and adopted constitution that gave the government control of the nations oil
  • Woodrow Wilson's Missionary Diplomacy

    Woodrow Wilson's Missionary Diplomacy
    • Missionary Diplomacy states that US had all right to deny recognition to any Latin American country
    • Policy pressured nations in the Western Hemisphere to establish democratic governments