american imperialism

  • Period: to

    american imperialism

  • US purchased Alaska from Russia

    US Secretary William purchased Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million
  • Publication of the de Lome letter

    This letter were the opinions of De Lome about how McKinley helped him fuel this country.
  • Spanish American War

    the United States declared war on Spain because the mysteries explosion of the U.S.S Main
  • Battle of Manila

    it was the first fight of the Spanish American War
  • Battle of Kettle Hill

    it was the most significant fight because 4 four buffalo, the 9th and 10th cavalry and 25th and 24th infantry
  • Platt Amendment

    it was so the troops stuck in Cuba can leave and eight other conditions and signed the treaty accepting all of the conditions
  • Hay-Herran Treaty

    it was so Colombia would provide the United States control of the prospective Panama Canal
  • Panama Canal is completed

    the main goal of the panama canal was to ship gods faster
  • Alaska became a state

    before the United States it was owned by Russia
  • Hawaii became a state

    Hawaii was linked to Alaska and became its own state in the same year
  • USS Maine sinks

    the USSS Maine suck while sitting in Havana Harbor
  • The US annexed Hawaii

    when the US annexed Hawaii it remained a US territory but later n it because the 50th state