American Imperialism

  • America’s acquisition of Alaska

    America’s acquisition of Alaska
    William Seward, Secretary of State arranged for the U.S. to buy Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million. This is thought to be a stupid decision by many Americans but proves itself to be a wealthy find.
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    Reasons for the Growth of American Imperialism

    This included a desire for military strength, a thirst for new markets, and a belief in cultural superiority.
  • Imperialism

    Many American leaders had become convinced that the United States should join the imperialist powers of Europe and establish colonies overseas.
  • U.S.S Maine Explodes

    U.S.S Maine Explodes
    Earlier in the war President Mckinley sends orders to the U.S.S Maine to go to Cuba and get some of the Americans out, but while there the U.S.S Maine explodes.
  • The War Begins

    This is the day that America declares war on Spain.
  • First Battle of the War

    First Battle of the War
    The first Battle of the Spanish American War was at Manila the capital of the Philipines. America was victorious.
  • Battle at San Juan Hill

    Battle at San Juan Hill
    This Battle was considered to be the most important battle.
  • America’s acquisition of Hawaii

    America’s acquisition of Hawaii
    U.S Congress proclaimed Hawaii an American territory. This followed many years of the U.S and Hawaii importing sugar and after the U.S built a Naval base (Pearl Harbor) in Hawaii.
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. This gave the U.S Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S bought the Philippines.
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    America and China

    Open Door notes- proposed that nations share their trading rights with the U.S so that no singular nation could have a monopoly with China.
    Because of the extreme amount of Europeans in China, the Boxer Rebellion was made to get them out of the country. (1900)
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    America and the Philippines

    Philippine -American War- Philippines were mad because of the treaty of Paris.
    Took 3 years to take down Rebellion.
    The Philippines become independent on July 4, 1946.
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    America and Puerto Rico

    Congress passes Foraker Act which ended military rule and set up a civil government. (1900)
    Puerto Ricans have been given U.S Citizenship and the right to elect both houses of their legislature. (1917)
  • America and Cuba

    America and Cuba
    In 1901 U.S insists that Cuba add the Platt Amendment.
    They were 1. Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its independence or permit a foreign power to control any part of its territory,2. the United States reserved the right to intervene in Cuba, 3. Cuba was not to go into debt that its government could not repay, and 4. the United States could buy or lease land on the island for naval stations and refueling stations.
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    Teddy Roosevelt and the World

    Teddys foreign policy- "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
    Mostly known for the Panama Canal.
    Roosevelt Corollary- said that the United States would now use force to protect its economic interests in Latin America.
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    Woodrow Wilson and the World

    Woodrow Wilsons' foreign policy was to dismantle the imperial order by opening up colonial holdings to eventual self-rule.
    During Wilsons' Presidency Wilson had been looking for a reason to act against the Mexican government. Wilsons opportunity to strick was when a group of American sailors was arrested by Mexican troops. This lead to Wilson sending U.S Maines to take over which ended in many casualties.