American Imperialism

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    American Imperialism

  • U.S Purchase Alaska from Russia

    US Secretary of State William Seward purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million.
  • Publication of the de Lome letter

    The letter was written from the Spanish Ambassador to send to the U.S. Enrique Dupuy called the American President, William Mckinley, weak and claimed that the president is only worried about gaining approval from the crowd.
  • U.S.S Maine sinks

    There was a massive explosion with led to the sinking of the battleship, U.S.S Maine in Havana Harbor, Cuba. It killed a lot of people.
  • Spanish American War

    The U.S Congress decides to declare war on Spain. The Cubans and Filipinos were against the Spanish rule so the US supported them. There an explosion in Havana Harbor which was in the battleship, U.S.S Maine. The results were that Spain lost control over Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam, and The Philippines Islands.
  • Battle of Manilla

    It was during the Spanish-American War when the US Asiatic Squadron got involved and demolished the Spanish Pacific Squadron. A lot of sailors were killed and very few Americans were wounded.
  • Battle of Kettle Hill

    It was a major battle that happened during the Spanish-American. The American force was under William Shafter and Joseph Wheeler who was against a Spanish force which was led by Arsenio Linares and Pombos. It led to the American victory.
  • U.S Annexes Hawaii

    The Joint Resolution was passed so it was official that Hawaii was annexed by the United States and became a territory.
  • Platt Amendment

    It was under the term that the U.S would end its military situation with Cuba. It was to stop rebellions.
  • Hay-Herran Treaty

    It was an agreement between the US and Colombia which gave the US the rights to build a canal across Panama even if some didn't approve.
  • Panama Canal is Completed

    It officially opened in August of 1914. It was super expensive and the people saw that the US had technological and economic powers.
  • Alaska becomes a state

    Alaska becomes a state after President Eisenhower signed a proclamation as the 49th state.
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Hawaii became the 50th state. It took 60 years to be a state since it became a territory.