American Immigration History Stewart

  • The first Naturalization act

    In 1790 there turned out to be the first Naturalization Act, which that …any alien, being a free white person, may be confirmed to become a citizen of the United States...
  • Period: to


  • Philadelphia Immigration

    In the nineteenth century, Philadelphia has the power to allow immigrants to come directly from the overseas.
  • France disrupted Atlantic shipping lanes

    France started to bug the Atlantic because they were taking up to many shipping lanes because they had to many ships that they had nothing to do with at the time.
  • yhBanned slave trade

    yhBanned slave trade
    The early Congresses could do not so much to affect immigration. That all happened because the Constitution gave that power to some states. Although The Congress was given the power to ban slave trade right after 1808 and thats what they did. The Congress was also given the power to establish rules for natrual citizenship.
  • United States and Britain war

    The War of 1812 between the United States and Britain slowed immigration even further.
  • Immigration at a record pace

    When peace was finally at stand, Immigration started to run at a record pace because of new comers arriving with some sickness.