American holidays

  • new years day

    new years day
    The start of a new year celebrated by parties and fireworks.
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  • valentines day

    valentines day
    A day of chocalate, cards and looovve. People celebrate by sending love letters to special people.
  • st. patricks day

    st. patricks day
    wear green or be pinched. celebrates missionary st. patrick. Started when he bravely gave his life for God.
  • April fools

    April fools
    A day of jokes and pranks. A lot of fun if you are careful not to get pranked!
  • Mothers day

    Mothers day
    A day to respect those hard working mothers. Celebrated with heart cards, chocolates and kindness.
  • Fathers day

    Fathers day
    A day to celebrate our hard working dads. They work for us. On this day we work for them.
  • Fourth of july

    Fourth of july
    The day we celebrate the gaining of our independence. Celebrated with red white and blue, and fireworks.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    The day we go back to learning what we need. we will have to grow up someday, and when we do we wil beglad we went to school.
  • Patriots day

    Patriots day
    The day we remember those who died at the twin towers and the pentagon and pensylvania. Raise the flags.
  • Halloween

    Candy, trick or treating fun times with freinds, and dont forget the cool costumes. That night youll sleep so hard you wont feel your teeth rotting.
  • Thanksgiving

    Feasts and family and fun for everyone! Startded with the pilgrims feast with the indians!
  • Christmas

    The saviors birth santa claus presents family, all day long. Started on Jesus's birth.