American History Timeline

By lnash
  • The Louisiana Purchanse

    The Louisiana Purchanse
    A $15 Million dollar purchase of land from the American's to the French
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    Manifest Dynasty

    Westward expansion
  • The Panic of 1837

    The Panic of 1837
    Lasted until the mid 1840's, profits and wages went down which stalled westward expansion.
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    Gilded Age

    Rapid economic growth in the northern and western united states.
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    Rebuilding of the South after Slavery
  • The Abolition of Slavery

    The Abolition of Slavery
    Slaves were freed in the South
  • The 14th Amendment is passed

    The 14th Amendment is passed
    Equal rights for all -- including African American and enslaved people.
  • The 15th Amendment Passed

    The 15th Amendment Passed
    African American MEN are able to vote.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn

    The Battle of Little Bighorn
    Native American forces defeat U.S. troops.
  • The Haymarket Riot

    The Haymarket Riot
    A riot that occurred in Chicago after someone threw a bomb at the police due to a protest on working conditions.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    Grouping Native American's on reservations.
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    Focuses on social reform and progress.
  • The Wounded Knee Creek Massacre

    The Wounded Knee Creek Massacre
    A massacre of over three hundred Lakota people by the U.S. Army.
  • Carnegie Steel is founded

    Carnegie Steel is founded
    Andrew Carnegie began to grow his world dominating steel industry.
  • The overthrowing of Queen Liliuokalani

    The overthrowing of Queen Liliuokalani
    Due to American's lowering their price on sugar, Hawaiians were angry that their economy were depleted and overthrew their own queen so the US could take over.
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    Ruled segregation is legal as facilities are provided for both colors.
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    Supporting social and political reform.
  • The Spanish American War

    The Spanish American War
    After America declared Cuba a free country, the Spanish got angry and declared war on the US. They never actually fought on neither US or Spanish soil.
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    U.S. Imperialism

    The US began to take land and expand their territories.
  • The Explosion of the USS Maine

    The Explosion of the USS Maine
    A US navy ship that suddenly exploded and sunk off the coast of Havana with no explanation.
  • The Black Hand Mafia

    The Black Hand Mafia
    Rich Italians and other wealthy people were blackmailed and extorted for their money.
  • The Jungle is written

    The Jungle is written
    A book about the disgusting working environments during the Gilded Age.
  • Standard Oil is broken up

    Standard Oil is broken up
    Court ruled that John Rockefeller had to break up his large oil empire into many mini businesses in order to stop him from making so much money.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    A fire in Manhattan, New York that killed 146 people due to unsafe working conditions.
  • The Building of the Panama Canal

    The Building of the Panama Canal
    Although the French started, the US began to build a large canal to Panama for trading.
  • The 19th Amendment was passed

    The 19th Amendment was passed
    All American women are now allowed to vote.
  • Prohibition Protests

    Prohibition Protests
    Protests broke out against the ban on alcohol.
  • Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

    Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
    Banned interstate commerce from businesses that employed children under 14 years of age.