
american history timeline

  • jamestown is founded by the london company

    jamestown  is founded by the london company
  • Plymouth is founded by the pilgrims

    Plymouth is founded by the pilgrims
  • 1000 puritans found the Massachusetts bay colony

    1000 puritans found the Massachusetts bay colony
  • rejected English Catholics found Maryland to make a safe haven for themselves

    rejected English Catholics found Maryland to make a safe haven for themselves
  • puritans increase the populations in america to above 20000

    puritans increase the populations in america to above 20000
  • the Quakers found Pennsylvania to make a safe place for religious freedom

    the Quakers found Pennsylvania to make a safe place for religious freedom
  • the English heavily tax the american settlers

    the English heavily tax the american settlers
  • the Boston massacre happens and five colonists die by gun

    the Boston massacre happens and five colonists die by gun
  • the Boston tea party happens and a bunch of tea gets thrown into the ocean

    the Boston tea party happens and a bunch of tea gets thrown into the ocean
  • in lexington the american revolution begins

    in lexington the american revolution begins
  • the government signs the declaration of independence

    the government signs the declaration of independence
  • the Americans win against the Brits in war

    the Americans win against the Brits in war