American History Time line

  • Period: to

    Manifest Dynasty

    This was the time when territorial expansion of the united states started to spread.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    Battle between Texas and Mexico. Mexico won this battle. Fought because of federalism and also because of slavery.
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction Era

    Happened after the civil war and brought rights to the slaves
  • 13 amendment

    13 amendment
    This abolished slavery
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    All american born were equally protected under the law.
  • Standard Oil

    Standard Oil
    This is a oil company mainly founded by John D. Rockefeller.
  • Period: to

    Guilded Age

    This time period was time of rapid growth, and reconstruction
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    African American men got the right to vote.
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    Native american forces beat the US army troops by Montana little bighorn river.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Allows federal government to break up tribal lands.
  • Period: to

    U.S. Imperialism

    US started taking more land from other countries.
  • Wounded Knee Creek Massacre

    Wounded Knee Creek Massacre
    American army Slaughtered around 300 Lakota people
  • Carnegie steel

    Carnegie steel
    This was founded in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and they created steel under control of Andrew Carnegie.
  • Depression

    A collapse of the top two US employers led to a stock market crash.
  • Overthrow of queen Liluokalani

    Overthrow of queen Liluokalani
    The US started to take over Hawaii and then she got called for treason.
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

    A time were social activism for rights started to span across the US.
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    A court case that said that segregation was legal if equal facilities were give to both races.
  • Spanish-American war

    Spanish-American war
    This was a time of war between Spain and the US after Spain ¨blew up" the USS Maine.
  • Teddy Roosevelt Became president

    Teddy Roosevelt Became president
    Broke up trusts and built the panama canal, he was a very strong man with what he said.
  • Jungle written

    Jungle written
    Bad working conditions and terrible products.
  • Trust-busting/breakup of Standard Oil

    Trust-busting/breakup of Standard Oil
    This is when they broke up standered oil into 7 smaller companies but Rockefeller invested in all of them and made even more money then he did before.
  • Triangle shirtwaist fire

    Triangle shirtwaist fire
    This company burned and killed 146 workers.
  • Panama canal

    Panama canal
    The US took over the canal and finished building it in 1914
  • Keating-Owen child labor act

    Keating-Owen child labor act
    Restricted the right of child labor.
  • 19 amendment

    19 amendment
    All American women have the right to vote
  • Prohibition Protests

    Prohibition Protests
    People wanted alcohol so people started to smuggle it an started to drink heavy. 1920-1933