
American History- Mary Todd Lincoln

  • Mary Todd Lincolns's Birth

    Mary Todd Lincolns's Birth
    Mary Todd Lincoln was born in Lexington, Kentucky, which is where she grew up. Lincoln grew up in a wealthy family with her father and step mother. For a woman of her time, Mary recieved a fenomenal education, and she even went to a boarding school. She was known for her witt and cleverness from the beginning.
  • Mary's Mother Dies

    Mary's mother died following child birth, when Mary was only six. Mary had to deal with many deaths of people close to her, but her mother's death was the first. Her father later remarried a woman who hated Mary, and they constantly fought, making Mary even fiestier and wittier.
  • Mary Todd Lincoln Gets Married

    Mary Todd Lincoln Gets Married
    Mary Todd Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln got married in Illinois at Mary's sister's home in Springfield. Mary was only 23 years old, while Abraham was 33. They were engaged before, but Abraham broke off the wedding unexpectedly. Many people say they were still seing each other in secret, since Mary's family disapproved of the couple, due to social class issues. Mary Todd and Abraham were still madly in love, even though they fought constantly.
  • Mary Gives Birth

    Mary Gives Birth
    The first child Mary gave birth to was Robert Todd Lincoln, who was named after Mary's father. Robert Todd was the only child of Mary that outlived her. Robert was also the child that testified against her in Mary's insanity trial. Robert Todd became a successful businessman, lawyer, and Harvard graduate, who was married and had three children.
  • Mary Todd's Husband was Elected President

    Mary Todd's Husband was Elected President
    In the election of 1860 Mary's husband, Abraham Lincoln, was elected as President of the United States of America. After Lincoln was elected, states in the south began to secede, because Lincoln did not believe in slavery. The civil war took place during Lincoln's term as President of the United States. Mary's family finally approved of Lincoln once he was president, since he had worked his way up the 'social ladder'.
  • Mary Attends Lincoln's First Inagurial Ball

    Mary Attends Lincoln's First Inagurial Ball
    Mary Todd Lincoln attended her husband's first inauguration in Washington D.C. It was a dangerous event, since the Civil War had just begun, and many people were strongly against Lincoln then. Mary was the sixteenth first lady, so it was important for her to attend this event.
  • Mary Todd Lincoln's Son Dies

    Mary Todd Lincoln's Son Dies
    Willie Lincoln was Mary Todd and Abraham Lincoln's third son. Willie died of a deadly disease known as Typhoid Fever. When Willie died he was only 11 years old, and he was Mary's second son to die. (Edward Lincoln was the first child to die.) Mary was beyond grieving after his death. She became deeply depressed from his passing, and the death of her son was seen as the starting point of her insanity.
  • Mary's Husband is Assasinated

    Mary's Husband is Assasinated
    Mary Todd Lincoln's husband, Abraham Lincoln, died on April 15, 1865. His murder took place only five days after the Union won the Civil War. John Wilkes Booth, a beyond dedicated Confederate, shot President Lincoln. He was shot on April the 14th, practically in Mary's arms, and died the next day. This event traumatized Mary, and she grew even more depressed and insane.
  • Mary Todd Lincoln is Admitted into an Insane Asylum

    Mary Todd Lincoln is Admitted into an Insane Asylum
    Mary was admitted into an insane asylum in Batavia, Illinois. Her son, Robert, testified against her during her trial on May 19th, along with sixteen others who noted her very strange behavior. She was admitted one day after the trial, and she stayed there for a total of four months. Mary was almost admitted without a trial, which would have stripped her of her rights, but she demanded a trial.
  • Mary Todd Lincoln's Death

    Mary Todd Lincoln's Death
    Mary Todd Lincoln died at the age of 63. She died from a severe stroke, in the home of her sister, Elizabeth. She had just returned to Elizabeth's house one year before her death. She died in the same home that she had married her husband in years before.