U.S. Gains Alaska
U.S. purchases Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. The territory was known for the production of oil and gold.
Picture URL:
http://www.netstate.com/states/intro/images/ak_purchase_check.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes
Rutherford B. Hayes was the 19th president of the United States. He was a Republican. -
Period: to
Presidency of James A. Garfield
James Garfield was the 20th president of the United States. He was a Republican. -
Period: to
Presidency of Chester A. Arthur
Chester A. Arthur was the 21st president of the United States. He served as vice president at the time President James Garfield was assassinated. He was a Republican. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Signed by President Chester A. Arthur and became the first significant law restricting immigration into the U.S. It prohibited the immigration of Chinese labor forces for 10 years.
Picture URL: http://digitalhistory.hsp.org/sites/exhibits.hsp.org/files/styles/sig_media/public/27896_ca_object_representations_media_5573_mediumlarge_0.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Grover Clevland
The 22nd and 24th president (he served two non-consecutive terms. He was a Democrat. -
Period: to
Presidency of Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd president of the United States. He was the grandson of President William Henry Harrison. He was a Republican. -
Period: to
Presidency of Grover Clevland (2nd Presidency)
The 22nd and 24th president (he served two non-consecutive terms. He was a Democrat. -
Period: to
Presidency of William McKinley
William McKinley was the 25 President of the United States. He was a Republican. -
Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine
An explosion sank the U.S.S. Maine. The U.S. blaimed the Spanish and caused the U.S. to start the Spanish-American War.
Pic URL:
http://f.tqn.com/y/militaryhistory/1/S/p/U/-/-/uss-maine-explosion-large.jpg -
Period: to
Spanish-American War
Began with a boat and a note: the sinking of the Lusitania and the De Lome letter. Ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1898 -
U.S. Gains Hawaii
A revolution was organized by John Stevens, the U.S. minister to Hawaii. Hawaii becomes a U.S. territory despite the protests from its queen, Queen Liliuokalani.
Pic URL: http://hawaiipacificnews.com/online/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Screen-shot-2015-09-15-at-2.53.05-PM.png -
Wilmington Race Riot
Black men are attacked by white men with rifles outside of a government building after voting. 14 black men are killed on this day. Led to the rise of Jim Crow Laws in North Carolina.
Pic URL:
http://www.history.ncdcr.gov/1898-wrrc/images/newspaper-office.jpg -
Galveston Hurrican
A category 4 hurrican went through Galveston, Texas and left an estimate of 6,000-8,000 dead. Became the deadliest hurricane in U.S. history.
Pic URL:
http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/news/features/sep13/galveston-top.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
His Presidency began with the assassination of President McKinley. Considered the "trust buster" as he filled 44 suits under the Sherman Antitrust Act.
Republican -
San Francisco Earthquake
The city experienced a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. The earthquake killed 3,000, left 400,000 residents homeless, and destroyed 80% of the city.
Pic URL:
http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/geologic_hazards/earthquakes/PublishingImages/sfeq06_01.jpg -
FBI Founded
FBI stands for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Their job is to serve as the nation's prime Federal law enforcement organization.
Pic URL:
http://authordave.com/resources/fbi%20seal_approved%20large%20apr08.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of William Howard Taft
Taft was much more cautious than President Theodore Roosevelt. He fought to lower tariffs but many conservative Republicans opposed him.
Republican -
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
The Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory in New York City burned down, killing 146 workers. Most of the victims died as a result of neglected safety features and locked doors within the factory building so it led to increased safety regulations for factories.
Pic URL:
http://clickamericana.com/wp-content/uploads/triangle-shirtwaist-fire-nyc-1911-3.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson was the 28th U.S. president of the United States. He was a Democrat. -
Period: to
The Great Migration
African Americans migrated from the rural South to the North to cities such as New York and Chicago . They left the South to escape racial persecution. -
Period: to
World War I
Originally called the Great War. Began between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Ended with the Treaty of Versailles that blamed Germany for the whole war. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
The British vessel was torpedoed by a German submarine. This helped bring the U.S. into WWI.
Pic URL:
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/12/20/article-1098904-02DBC25F000005DC-730_468x286.jpg -
Fourteen Points Speech
A speech given by President Woodrow Wilson in 1918. It was about the U.S. strategies for war and peace during WWI.
Pic URL:
http://www.american-historama.org/images/president-wilson-14-points-b.jpg -
Treaty of Versailles (1919)
Signed at the end of WWI. Created new nations, blamed Germany for the War, excluded Russia from all discussions, and ignored all of the problems in Asia (Vietnam). Led to German resistance to the war-guilt clause.
Pic URL:
https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.history.state.gov/milestones/versailles-treaty.jpg -
Ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment
Guaranteed all American women the right to vote. Women had worked many jobs during WWI, so it was a natural step.
Pic URL:
http://fromplaygroundstopolitics.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/20130820-082013.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Warren G. Harding
Warren G. Harding was the 29th U.S. president He was a Republican. -
Period: to
Presidency of Calvin Coolidge
As Vice President of Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge became President after his assassination. He was a Republican. -
Immigration Quota Act
It limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the U.S. through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to only 2% of the total number of people of each nationality in the United States.
Pic URL:
http://18423229.weebly.com/uploads/9/5/2/8/9528805/803631767_orig.jpg?224 -
Scopes Monkey Trial
John T. Scopes was tried for teaching Darwin evolution in a high school classroom. He was found guilty and was fined, but the decision was set aside due to a technicality.
Pic URL:
http://img.whenintime.com/tli/mkdl/thegreatgatsby-michaeladerek/23687bd5-9a0b-4930-950c-997176119f24_4538974168_1e44968ef7.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the United States. He was a Republican. -
Stock Market Crash
Known as Black Tuesday. Investors tried to sell off everything before prices fell too far. By mid-November, $30 Billion in wealth had disappeared.
Pic URL:
http://thegreatdepression2013.wikispaces.com/file/view/stock-market-crash-1929_4.jpg/300111964/stock-market-crash-1929_4.jpg -
Period: to
The Dust Bowl
Drought struck in the Great Plains and prairie winds caused huge dust storms. Many farmers lost everything and left the plains. -
Period: to
Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt
He was the 32nd President and is the only U.S. president to be elected four times. He was the He was a Democrat. -
Period: to
The war was fought between the Axis and Allied Powers. V-E Day was the day of the victory in Europe for the Allies; V-J Day was the day of victory in Japan for the Allies. -
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
The Japanese bombed the U.S. naval base in Hawaii. The bombing brought the U.S. to declare war on Japan and enter WWII.
Pic URL:
http://www.wwiifoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/pearl-harbor_0.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Harry S. Truman
Harry Truman was the sworn in as the 33rd president after Franklin Delano Roosevelt's sudden death. He was a Democrat. -
CIA Founded
CIA stands for the Central Intelligence Agency. There job is to gather, process and analyze national security information from around the world.
Pic URL:
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/CIA.svg/2000px-CIA.svg.png -
GATT is Established
The General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs established fair tariff rates between several countries. It later becomes the World Trade Organization which is still around today.
Pic URL:
http://www2.econ.iastate.edu/classes/econ355/choi/img/wto.jpg -
Period: to
Berlin Blockade
The Soviet Union cut off traffic into Berlin in an attempt to force democratic nations to surrender their sectors. The U.S. and Great Britain arilifted supplies into the city for 327 days until the blockade was lifted. -
Executive Order 9981
Made by President Harry Truman after WWII. The order completely desegregated the military.
Pic URL:
http://tps.govst.edu/projects/lreese/images/images%20for%20tps/truman%20cropped.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States. He wsa a Republican. -
Brown v. Board of Education
The Supreme Court ruled that "separate but not equal" had no place in education. The led to the integration of schools and aided in sparking the American civil rights movement.
Pic URL:
http://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/his1005spring2011/files/2011/02/schoolsegregation2.jpg -
Period: to
Vietnam War
The U.S. never officially declared war, but sent in troops to aid South Vietnam. U.S. troops withdrew and North Vietnam captured Saigon making the nation fully Communist. -
Little Rock Nine
In Little Rock, Arkansas, President Eisenhower used federal troops to protects and ensure the enrollment of nine African Americans in to Central High School. These actions were took after the governor of the states blocked them.
Pic URL:
http://www.marquette.edu/littlerocknine/images/lr9_students.jpg -
U-2 Incident
American U-2 spy plane is shot down over the Soviet Union. America is caught spying on the Soviet Union; Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev threatened "we will bury you" in response.
Pic URL:http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/11/u-2-spy-plane-AB.jpeg -
Period: to
Presidency of John F. Kennedy
JFK was elected as the 35th president of the United States. He was a Democrat. -
Period: to
Bay of Pigs Invasion
In 1959, Fidel Castro takes power of Cuba and aligns with the Communists. The CIA trained refugees for an invasion and take over of the island, but it is a huge failure and American involvement is uncovered immediately. -
Period: to
Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was created to stop the flood of refugees from East Germany, which was controlled by Communists. This led the U.S. to feel the need to take actions to contain Communism. -
Period: to
Cuban Missle Crisis
Soviets placed missles capable of reaching the U.S. in Cuba. Kennedy blockaded the island and forced the Soviets to agree to dismantle the sites. -
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed
Signed by the U.S., the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union. The treaty prohibited nuclear weapons tests or other nuclear explosions under water, in the atmosphere, or in outer space.
Pic URL:
http://www.jfklibrary.org/~/media/assets/Education%20and%20Public%20Programs/Education/For%20Teachers%20Manual%20Upload/JFKSignsTestBanTreaty.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson
The 36th President, Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as President following the assassination of Presinden Kennedy. He was a Democrat. -
Immigration and Naturalization Act
Also referred to as the Hart-Cellar Act. It abolished the quota system based on national origin and established a new immigration policy based on reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the U.S.
Pic URL:
http://immigrationtounitedstates.org/uploads/posts/2012-03/1331146904_president-lyndon-b.-johnson-signing-the-immigration-and-nationality-act-of-1965.png -
Period: to
Presidency of Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon was the 37th U.S. president and the only president to resign from his position. He was a Republican. -
Period: to
Presidency of Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford became the 38th president of the United States following Richard Nixon's resignation. He was a Republican. -
Period: to
Presidency of Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the United States. He was a Democrat. -
Camp David Accords
President Jimmy Carter brokered a deal between the nations of Israel and Egypt. Both countries agree to a peace treaty thus easing tensions in the Middle East.
Pic URL:
http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/20/78620-004-AE3D4BEA.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of the United States. He was a Republican. -
Period: to
Presidency of George H. W. Bush
George H. W. Bush was the 41 president of the United States. He was a Republican. -
Period: to
Presidency of Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States. He was a Democrat. -
Period: to
Presidency of George W. Bush
He was the 43rd President of the United States. He was a Republican. -
9/11 Terror Attacks
Terrorist coordinated a series of attacks on the U.S.. Two hijacked planes were flown into the World Trade Center Towers in New York City, anothers was flown into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and another was forced down in Pennsylvania.
Pic URL:
http://media2.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2015_37/771586/9-11-towers-today-150910_744883d61921650cb27a3ffc2490c7a4.today-inline-large.jpg -
Hurricane Katrina
When the hurricane struck New Orleans, levees and drainage canals were overwhelmed. Much of the city was flooded and thousands were left homeless causing many to migrate throughout the Southeast.
Pic URL:
http://web.mit.edu/12.000/www/m2010/images/katrina-08-28-2005.jpg -
Period: to
Presidency of Barack Obama
Current President; expected to leave offfice upon the election of the next president.
He is the 44th President of the United States. He is a Democrat.