American History I Honors

  • Proclamation of 1763

    After the French and Indian war, King George III sign a bill which was called The Proclamation of 176, which didn't colonists settle anywhere in West Appalachian. This also stopped the colonists from trading with the Native Americans. This Bill was to stop conflict from happing between the Native Americans and the British.
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    This act required the colonists to house and feed any British soldiers. This made many people upset because they were paying taxes for provision and barracks for the army. The Quartering Act was soon repealed in 1770.
  • Stamp Act

    There were taxes being put on many different items throughout the colony because of the Stamp Act. Most of the items that were taxed where documents and newspapers. This Act was repealed in 1766.
  • Townshend Act

    This are laws that were passed by the British Government to make new taxes and taking away some freedom from the colonist. New taxes on imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea.
  • Tea Act

    This reduce the massive amount of tea. The passing of the Tea Act imposed no new taxes on the American colonies
  • Boston Tea Party

    This was a political protest that was imposing "taxation without representation". Many people dump many pounds of tea in the harbor. The act led up to the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution.
  • Sugar Act

    The sugar act is the raising duties on foreign refined sugar imported by the colonies so as to give British sugar growers in the West Indies a monopoly on the colonial market.

    The Coercive Act was a response to the Boston Tea Party. This was to punish Massachusetts as a warning to other colonies
  • Declaratory Act

    This a declaration that was by the British Parliament that repealed the Stamp Act. The Declaratory Act states that Parliament could make laws that are somewhat agreeable with the American Colonies.