American history Civil War Battles

  • Fort Sumter

    Location: South Carolina
    Union Commanders: Robert Anderson
    Confederate Commanders: P.G.T. Beauregard
    Regiments: 1st United States Artillery, Provisional Forces of the Confederate States
    Estimated Casualties: 15
    Significance: First Battle of the Civil War
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Location: Virginia
    Union Commanders: Irvin McDowell
    Confederate Commanders: Joseph E. Johnston P.G.T. Beauregard
    Estimated Casualties: 4878
    Significance: The nicknaming of General Jackson
  • Battle of Fort Henry

    Location: Tennessee, Kentucky
    Union Commanders: Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew H. Foote
    Confederate Commanders: Lloyl Tilghman
    Regiments: District of Cairo, Western Flotilla, Fort Henry garrison, Fort Heiman garrison
    Estimated Casualties: 119
  • Battle of Fort Donelson

    Location: Tennessee
    Union Commanders: Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew H. Foote
    Confederate Commanders: John b. Floyd, Gideon J. Pillow, Simon B. Buckner
    Regiments: District of Cairo, Western Flotilla, Fort Donelson garrison
    Estimated Casualties: 16,537
    Significance: Major Union Victory
  • Battle of Hampton Roads

    Location: Virginia
    Union Commanders: Louis M. Goldsborough, John Marston
    Confederate Commanders: Franklin Buchanan, Catesby ap Roger Jones
    Estimated Casualties: 463
    Significance: Ironclad Battle
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Location: Tennessee
    Union Commanders: Ulysses S. Grant, Don Carlos Buell
    Confederate Commanders: Albert Sidney Johnston, P. G. T. Beauregard
    Regiments: Army of the Tennessee, Army of the Ohio, Army of Mississippi
    Estimated Casualties: 23746
    Significance: Guaranteed the Union's advance into Mississippi
  • Capture of New Orleans

    Location: Louisiana
    Union Commanders: David G. Farragut, Benjamin Butler
    Confederate Commanders: Mansfield Lovell
    Regiments: Department of the Gulf, Sest Gulf Blockading Squadron, Department No. 1
    Estimated Casualties: none
    Significance: capured new orleans
  • Batttle of Chattanooga

    Location: Tennessee
    Union Commanders: James S. Negley
    Confederate Commanders: Edmund Kirby Smith
    Regiments: Army of the Ohio, Army of Kentucky
    Estimated Casualties: 88
  • Seven Days Battle

    Location: Virginia
    Union Commanders: George B. McClellan
    Confederate Commanders: Robert E. Lee
    Regiments: Army of the Potomac, Army of Northern Virginia
    Estimated Casualties: 36059
    Significance: the culmination of the Peninsula Campaign
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Location: Virginia
    Union Commanders: John Pope
    Confederate Commanders: Robert E. Lee
    Estimated Casualties: 18300
  • Battle of Richmone

    Location: Kentucky
    Union Commanders: William Nelson
    Confederate Commanders: Edmund Kirby Smith
    Regiments: Union Army of Kentucky, Confederate Army of Kentucky
    Estimated Casualties: 5804
    Significance: Stunning Confederate Victory
  • Battle of Antietam

    Location: Maryland
    Union Commanders: George B. McClellan
    Confederate Commanders: Robert E. Lee
    Estimated Casualties: 22716
    Significance: Convinced Lincoln to make the Emancipation Proclamation
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Location: Virginia
    Union Commanders: Ambrise E. Burnside
    Confederate Commanders: Robert E. Lee
    Regiments: Army of the Potomac, Army of Northern Virginia
    Estimated Casualties: 1830
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Location: Pennsylvania
    Union Commanders: George G. Meade
    Confederate Commanders: Robert E. Lee
    Estimated Casualties: 46286
    Significance: Where Lincoln Gave the Gettysburg Address
  • Siege of vickesburg

    Location: Mississippi
    Union Commanders: Ulysses S. Grant
    Confederate Commanders: John C. Pemberton
    Regiments:Army of the Tennessee, Mississippi River Squadron, Army of Vicksburg
    Estimated Casualties: 37472
    Significance: Decisive Union Victory
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Union Commanders: William S. Rosecrans
    Confederate Commanders: Braxton Bragg
    Regiments: Army of the Cumberland, Army of Tennessee
    Estimated Casualties: 34624
  • First Battle of Petersburg

    Location: Virginia
    Union Commanders: Quincy A. gillmore, Edward W. Winks, August Kautz
    Confederate Commanders: P.G.T. Beauregard, Henry A. Wise
    Estimated Casualties: 120
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Location: Georgia
    Union Commanders: William T. Sherman, James B. McPherson
    Confederate Commanders: John Bell Hood
    Regiments: Military division of the Mississippi, Army of Tennessee
    Estimated Casualties: 12140
  • Shermans March

    Location: Georgia
    Union Commanders: William Ctcumesh Sherman
    Estimated Casualties: 1884
    Significance: Fire War
  • Battle of Appomattox

    Location: Virginia
    Union Commanders: Ulysses S. Grant
    Confederate Commanders: Robert E. Lee
    Regiments: Army of the Potomac, Army of the James, Army of Northern Virginia
    Estimated Casualties: 28469
    Significance: Surrender of the Confederates to the Union
  • Battle of Palmito Ranch

    Location: Texas
    Union Commanders: Theodore H. Barrett
    Confederate Commanders: John Ford
    Regiments: 2nd Texas Cavalry Battalion 62nd Regt U.S. Colored Troops 34th Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry
    Estimated Casualties: 126
    Significance: Last major clash of arms in the war