First Navigation Laws to control the colonies
John Locke& Baron de Montesquieu
The leader of European Enlightenment movement. They first suggested the idea of democracy and Seperation of powers -
The republicanism and the radical Whigs
Period: to
Seven Year's War
-British counted the cost of war on their colonists in America by rising taxes, and this act cause great disaffection during American colonists.
- on economic/political/social,
- long term cause -
John Hancock
The first man who signed in Independence of Declaration and became the first chairman of continental meeting. -
Sugar Act
-the first law ever passed by that body for raising tax revenue in the colonies for the crown. Among various provisions, it increased the duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies.
-short term -
Quartering Act
-required certain colonies to provide food and quarters for British
-long term -
Stamp Act
-mandated the use of stamped paper or the affix- ing of stamps, certifying payment of tax. Stamps were required on bills of sale for about fifty trade items as well as on certain types of commercial and legal docu- ments, including playing cards, pamphlets, newspapers, diplomas, bills of lading, and marriage licenses.
-long term -
Stamp Act Congress
-brought together in New York City twenty-seven distinguished delegates from nine colonies. After dignified debate the members drew up a statement of their rights and grievances and beseeched the king and Parliament to repeal the repugnant legislation.
-long term -
Benjamin Franklin
The leader of American independence, famous and intelligent gentleman. -
Declaratory Act
-reaffirming Parliament’s right “to bind” the colonies“in all cases whatsoever.”It defined the con- stitutional principle it would not yield: absolute and unqualified sovereignty over its North American colonies.
-long term -
Townshend Act
-on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea.
-long term -
New York legislature suspended by Parliament
Samuel Adams
the leading spirit in hosting the Boston Tea Party. -
British troops occupy Boston
Boston Massacre
-Acting apparently without orders, but nervous and provoked by the jeering crowd, the troops opened fire and killed or wounded eleven citizens
-short term -
Committees of correspondence formed
Thomas Jefferson
The writer of Independence of Declaration; the well-known lawyer and politician; the founder of democratic-republic party. -
British East India Company granted tea monopoly
-The powerful British East India Company was facing bankruptcy in 1773, so the British tricked Americans, with much cheaper tea price, into swallowing the principle of the detested tax.
-long term -
Boston Tea Party
-roughly a hundred Bostonians smashed open 342 chests of tea, and dumped their contents into the Atlantic.The conflicts were inevitable between the colonists and the British..
-short term -
Intolerable Acts
-By huge majorities in 1774, it passed a series of acts designed to chastise Boston in particular and Massachusetts in general in response to the Boston Tea Party. Many of the chartered rights of colonial Massachusetts were swept away. Especially the Quebec Act, it had a wider range.
-long term -
Quebec Act
First Continental Congress
-It was to meet in Philadelphia to consider ways of redressing colonial grievances ---- the Intolerable Act. The most significant action of the Congress was the creation of The Association ---- it called for a complete boycott of British goods:
-political -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
- April 1775 the British commander in Boston sent a detachment of troops to nearby Lexington and Concord. They were to seize stores of colonial gunpowder and also to bag the “rebel” ringleaders, -social/political -short term
George Washington
the senior officer in the colonial militia at the beginning of the French and Indian War. -
Thomas Paine
The writer of "common sense", the most famous book in that period. He largely awoke Americans to fight for their rights and freedom.