Attack on Fort Sumpter
The confederates fired and attacked fort sumpter which was a union base. This was recognized as the start of the civil war. At the end of the battle the confederate army captured the fort. -
The Homestead Act
This act offered 160 acres of free-land but you had to live and work there for five years. Also you had to be the head of a family, and a married couple got 320 acres. This helped people from the north and south come out and invest and grow the. west. -
The emancipation proclamation issued
The emancipation proclamation was issued by President Lincoln. This proclamation stated that all African-American slaves we’re free if their state was in rebellion. This proclamation was also to keep France and Britain from allying with the south -
The attack of little round top
Little round top was a key advantage point that the union had against the Confederates. At a certain point the union men ran out of ammo and took their bayonets and charge the Confederates. In the end the union defended the hill. -
The 13th amendment issued
In 1865 Lincoln issued the 13th amendment. This amendment was to ratify all slavery for America. This was the first major step in slaves freedom. -
The transcontinental railroad finished
This railroad took a total of six years to build. There were two groups building this railroad, the Central Pacific Railroad, and the Upper Pacific Railroad. This railroad was a major impact to the growth and establishment of the west. -
Joseph Glidden invented barbed wire
Joseph Glidden invented the barbed wire. This was a very positive thing in which it was very affective in containing animals and increase the herds. It was bad because it made it harder for smaller ranchers to get their cattle to the market. -
Civil rights Act of 1875
This civil rights act was put in place a couple years after the 15th amendment. This act was to prohibit discrimination in jury selection, and equal rights for transportation. This will be the last civil rights act for the next 90 years. -
The compromise of 1877
In the election year of 1877, Republican Rutherford Hayes, and Democratic Samuel Tilden ran against each other. As the results came in it was a tie, and for the next year there was a political crisis. But on March 2, 1877 they made an agreement that the Republicans would get the presidency if they would end the reconstruction -
Ida B. Wells sues train station
This women bought a first class train ticket but was forced to the back of the train because she was black. She refused so they physically had to move her. She later sued them and got 500$. -
Brooklyn Bridge Built
This bridge was designed by John Roebling and was the first major suspension bridge built in America. This bridge was famous for its length and was a major symbol of American ingenuity. -
Alice Paul born
Alice Paul was a major contributor to women’s suffrage rights. Her along with her partner were in charge of the national woman’s party and worked tirelessly to get women their freedom and rights. She organized many protests, including protesting right outside the White House. If it wasn’t for Alice Paul, women’s rights would be very different today. -
Ellis Island Opens
Ellis island was one of the major immigrant stations in America. Starting in 1892 many immigrants from all over the world would pass through Ellis island to get into America. -
Homer vs. Ferguson
Homer Plessy was sitting in the front of a train and he told the workers there he was 1/8th black and they told him to go to the back. He sued and his case went all the way to the Supreme Court. He ended up not winning and the “Separate but equal” case was out into place. -
Spanish War declared
There was tensions between Spain and America because a ship with American soldiers was sunk and the men were killed. Plus the sinking of the Maine which America blamed on Spain added to these tensions and finally they declared war. -
Spanish destroyed at Manila
America and Spain were fighting on the Manila bay. After the battle, America destroyed the Spanish fleet and claimed victory. -
Spanish War ended
After defeating the Spanish with the American navy, the Spanish had nothing left but to surrender. The Spanish signed the Treaty of Paris and with that, America officially won. The war was a splendid little war. -
Panama Canal started
The Panama Canal connects the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. America wanted to build this canal because it would help them control power and also control the oceans. This canal helped speed up travel chopping 8000 miles from trip between west and east coast. -
New York's first Subway
Trains were the only main source of transposition, but as the cities grew and became more crowded trains couldn't be used. Subways were invented in which they were like trains, but ran underground. -
Women's Suffrage Parade
On this day women of all race marched in Washington D.C to show that they should have the right to vote. Ida B. Wells was part of the parade and even though she wasn't supposed to, she walked with all the other white women in the front. -
Archduke Ferdinand killed
Gabriel Princip assassinated the Archduke. This killing was the major contributor and spark that got Austria-Hungary mad. Soon with Germany, declared war on Serbia starting WW1. -
Lusitania sunk
Through the most of WW1 the United States had remained neutral. But when this passenger ship was sunk killing 1,200 men, the US had no choice but to join. -
Zimmerman Note Intercepted
This Zimmerman Note was intercepted by Britain. This note was sent from Germany to Mexico telling them that if they helped their cause, they would help them get Texas, New Mexico and Arizona back from the US. -
WW1 Ended
On this day Germany officially had to sign the Treaty of Versailles to end the war. Germany had lost so much that they couldn’t keep fighting. Germany was punished severely. This officially ended the Great War. -
18th Amendment
During the roaring 20s banning alcohol was a major topic of conversation. Everyone thought that the crime and treatment of women would be better. So the U.S. government made the 18th amendment which banned the making, selling, and transport of alcohol. -
19th amendment passed
Many women fought for the right to vote, and on this day, Harry Burn got a letter from his mother telling him to vote yes. This in turn made the majority vote yes allowing women to have the right to vote. -
Scopes Trial
At this time creation was the way in which schools taught kids how the universe and world was made. The ACLU was all about religious freedom and said they would help pay for anyone who got arrested for teaching evolution. In the end he went to court and only got fined 100 dollars. -
Black Tuesday
Black Tuesday as it is referred to is the official day in which the stock market crashed causing the Great Depression. When the market crashed lots of people killed the selves because they lost so much money. Lots of peoples investment was in the stock market. -
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
One of President Hoovers major mistakes during the Great Depression was passing the Smoot-Hawley Tariff. His idea was that if he raised the income tax by 50% that America would be able to get jobs again and make money. Sadly it didn’t work and stared a international trade war. -
Al Capone Arrested for Tax Evasion
Al Capone was the biggest gangster and business man during the 20s. Al Capone was always getting into trouble by either ordering deaths, or getting involved with alcohol which was illegal at the time. No one could ever find something to arrest him with, but finally Capone was arrested for tax evasion and was sentenced dead to 11 years in jail. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurated
Franklin Roosevelt was elected into office during the Great Depression and really turned America around. He had a New Deal, and was able to help America during this tough time. -
The Court Packing Plan Revealed
Franklin Roosevelt as apart of his second 100 days wanted to pass a plan statin that he would be able to add 6 more judges to the Supreme Court. The public did not take this week and neither did the Supreme Court. This plan was denied and was never passed. This was one of FDR mistakes. -
Germany invades Poland
This invasion was the official start of WW 2. The Allie’s were holding off from joining because they just came out if WW1, but with this attack of Poland the war started. -
Pearl Harbor attacked
Japan was trying to take over Asia, and they thought that attacking Pearl Harbor would keep America away and weaken there defenses. It was a surprise attack and many Americans lost their lives. -
Beginning of Stalingrad
This battle was the major turning point in the war for the Allie’s and the start of the downfall of Germany. Germany invaded Russia in the winter and Germany wasn’t prepared for the harsh conditions. Russia took the offensive and forced Germany out. -
D- day was a very deadly but also important battle. This was the largest land-sea-air attack ever. The Allied forces took boats into the bay of Nazi controlled France to take it over. The battle was also known as Operation Overlord. -
Germany surrenders
After a very weaning loss from Stalingrad, the Germany army was slowly but surely losing the countries they took over. Eventually the Soviet forces surrounded Berlin and forced Germany to surrender. -
America drops leaflets in Japan
On this day American B-29 Super fortress flew over Japan and dropped leaflets saying that they were going to bomb certain cities listed and for them to evacuate so they could live. Sadly the warning was not taken well and lots of Japanese people died. -
Berlin blockade
There was tension between the west and south side of Germany. Russia who controlled the eastern side was not liking how America, and England were acting in the west side. So after seeing that many people were trying to flee eastern Germany, the Soviet Union put a blockade to keep eastern Germans inside. -
Russia detonates first A-Bomb
During this time, America and Russia were building up there missiles and weapons to potentially use against each other. The Soviets didn’t like how America had a massive bomb and they didn’t. So Russia stole our plans and soon built and detonated their first A-Bomb. -
Korean War starts
The North side Korea became communists due to the influence of China. North Korea wanted to control all of then Korean land, so they decided to pass the 38th parallel and invade South Korea. Since America said they would help those to fight against communism, soon after America joined the war. -
Ellis Island closes
Ellis Island was a major immigration station for the United States. After processing around 12 million immigrants, President Eisenhower decided to close its doors. -
First satellite to space
There was a space war between Russia and America. So in this day Russia took the lead when the Sputnik 1, which was an artificial satellite, was launched from Russia and orbited the earth for 92 days. -
Alaska made 49th State
When Alaska was bought many people thought that it was a foolish decision. But when the first person struck Gold, Alaska became a very popular area and many people moved there. Then President Eisenhower decided to make it a state. -
Fall of the Soviet Union
The Soviet had been a communist power that had been making trouble in Europe and also in America. So when Gorbachev became power in Russia, he renounced the Brezhnev Doctrine and soon the Soviet flag was lowered and the Russian flag rose.