American History B Timeline

  • Telephone

    This has been a massive step for people in the realms of communication. This has now brought about the mobile telephone known as the cellular phone. This will most likely keep growing into new and advanced ways of communicating.
  • Automobile

    The first ever electric powered automobile is invented. Automobiles nowadays run on gasoline and oil. Hopefully in the near future automobiles will be reverted back to being electrically powered.
  • Radio

    First working radio is invented. Radios can be found in automobiles. Radios can also be mobile,
  • The Great Migration

    A large movement of black people going from the south to the north. The reasons were to find jobs and escape segregation and lynchings. They were still met with segregation when they arrived in the north.
  • 19th amendment

    Made it illegal to deny someone their right to vote based on sex.
  • 18th amendment

    Prohibited the sale of alcohol in the United States. This raised the crime level enormously in America.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    This act restriced immigrants coming from any country to America down to 3% of what it would usually be.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Changed the quota of immigrants allowed in America from 3% to 2%.
  • Television

    This has offered entertainment to millions. You can either be educated through watching television or be a mindless drone that is only somewhat aware of whats happening around him. Most of the population performs the latter.
  • Black Thursday

    The stock market crash that led to the Great Depression.
  • Black Tuesday

    The most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt wins the presidential election.
  • 1933 (state of economy)

    A time when banks were being mismanaged.
  • 21st amendment

    Repealed the 18th amendment.
  • Hoover Dam

    The Hoover Dam is constructed and supplies much power to the United States.
  • GI Bill of rights

    Provided college or vocational training for returing WWII veterans.
  • Frisbee

    The Frisbee is invented.
  • Computer

    The first complete computer is invented.
  • Internet

    This was around the time when develpoment of the internet had started. many thimgs have arrisen because of the internet.