
American History A-Abaigail Coburn

  • 3 branches of government

    1. The Legislative (Makes laws)
    2. The Executive (Executes the laws)
    3. The Judicial (Interprets the laws)
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    She was a prominent American civil rights leader who played a pivotal role in the 19th-century women's right movement
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    In1902 was named president
  • William H. Taft

    Born into a wealthy family in Ohio, Was educated in law at Yale
  • The Progressive Era

    Had 3 presidents
  • Cause of the Civil war

    Differences between the north and south over slavery, taxation, and states rights.
    Increased anti-slavery sentiment in the north and activities of abolitionists.
    Abraham Lincoln was elected president.
    The was started April 12, 1861, and ended April 9, 1865
  • Reconstitution Era

    Reunite the nation
    Rebuilding the south
    Protect the freedmen
  • Andrew Johnson

    He was the vice president when Lincoln was president.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Was an agency of the United States Department of war.
  • Black codes

    Were laws passed in 1865-1866 after the civil war to restrict African-Americans freedom
  • Reconstruction act of 1867

    Reconstruction act of 1867
    Was about reuniting the south back.
  • Monopolies

    The situation in which one company controls an entire industry
  • Laissez- Faire

    The idea that government should not interfere with business practices.
  • 7 factors

    1. Natural resources
    2. Capital 3.Labor supply 4.Technolgy
    3. Consumer 6.Transportation 7.Government cooperation
  • Tariffs

    Were a tax on imports.
  • Result of the 7 factors

    America became an economic superpower in the next 50 years
    It didn't come without its share of problems and those who are able to exploit.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    He was the author of the book The Jungle, it talked about the terrible working conditions of the meatpacking industry and the struggles of the immigrants who worked at them
  • 2 Waves

    Wave 1) "Old immigrants" Came from the Northern and Western Europe.
    Wave 2) "New immigrants" Came from Southern and Eastern Europe.
  • Industry Workers

    Coal miners were boys and textile factories were girls and woman, Woman and children made up more than 50 %
  • Workers faced

    1. Low pay
    2. Long hours
    3. Poor and unsafe working conditions
  • James J. Hill

    Canadian, born but settled in St. Paul, Nickname was " Empire builder", Built the Grate Northern railroad.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Prohibited Chinese labors from entering the country, was not lifted until 1943
  • American Federation of labor,( AFL, Samuel Gompers)

    Accepted only white skilled males, won higher wages and shorter workweeks for its members.
  • J.D Rockefeller

    J.D Rockefeller
    Founded Standard oil company, By 1880, 90% monopoly and became the nation's first billionaire. Gave away $500 million dollars
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Went from Rags to Riches, poor Scottish family who immigrated to u.s, Worked to become private secretary to the local superintendent of Pennsylvania railroad.
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt

    Cornelius Vanderbilt
    He started out in shipping, buying his first ferry boat at 16, Saw railroads as the future. Bought many railroads before/after the Civil War. Built Grand Centraal Depot.
  • Business and Industry

    Edison- Lightbulb, Stock ticker...
    Bell- Telephone
    Sholes- Typewriter
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    First federal action against monopolies.
  • Four goals of Progressivsm

    1. Protecting social welfare 2. Promoting moral improvement
    2. Creating economic reform 4. Fostering effecting
  • Florence Kelley

    Florence Kelley
    Advocate for improving the lives of woman and children, Helped to win passage for Illinois factory act of 1893
  • Populists

    Are a party, most powerful, supported the Income-tax (16th amendment) shorter workdays, and government loans to farmers and direct election of state senators.
  • Old Immigrants

    Most immigrants came from Western and Northern Europe, they were called "old immigrants"
  • New Immigrants

    An increase of Southern and Eastern immigrants came and they were known as " new immigrants"
    Most of the New Immigrants were processed at Ellis Island
  • 16th,17th,18, and 19th amendment

    The 16th amendment- Established the federal income tax.
    17th - Established direct election of the United States Senators by vote.
    18th- Prohibited alcohol
    19th- Established the right for women to vote
  • J.P Morgan

    Was known as the " Giant of finance", Was a banker, Started out as an accountant. and a great organizer of companies like GE and AT&T
  • Integration tactics

    Vertical integration: buying up resources, transportation, etc
    Horizontal integration: merging like companies together
  • Progressivism

    Is a local and national movement by reformers in America to make the government respond to the needs of the people
  • Progressive movement

    Progressive movement
    Is the aim to restore economic opportunities and to correct injustice in American life.
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    Was a union leader, who saw an uneven balance of wealth among big business, government, and ordinary people, and embraced socialism. He was also the founder of Socialist.
  • Illinois Factory Act of 1896

    Illinois Factory Act of 1896
    Prohibited child labor, limited woman working hours, and became a model for the other states
  • Election of 1896

    Republicans nominated William McKinley while Democrats joined with the populist in nominating William Jennings Bryan
  • William Jennings Bryan

    Was the candidate for the Populist, he was a democrat
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    He believed in the square deal, and he had a nickname called Trustbuster.
  • The Spanish-American war

    Began in April 1898, two months after the sinking of the USS Maine, Advocates of the war used the rallying cry, " Remember Maine! To hell with Spain."
  • Causes of the Spanish-American war

    Spanish Cruelty, Yellow Journalism, and the U.S.S Maine
  • Results of the Spanish-American war

    1. Spain loses most of its empire
    2. The US acquired the territories of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico
    3. The US increased its strength as a world power
  • Fat Cats

    Fat Cats
    Also known as "Captains of industry" "Industrial giants" and "Robber barons" By 1890 4,000 millionaires, 1900, 20 millionaires.
  • Election of 1912

    Election of 1912
    1. Taft wains the nomination
    2. Roosevelt forms Progressive Bull Moose party
  • Central powers

    Central powers
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
  • Allies

    Britain, France, Russia, Itay, and the United States, also Japan
  • Cause Of WW1

  • Spark

    When Archduke Franz Ferdinand ( Austria's heir to the throne) was assassinated by Bosnia, This spark would ignite the war.
  • Weapons introduced in WW1

    Machine guns, poison gas, tanks, and airplanes
  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty officially ended WW1, it blamed Germany for WW1 and handed down harsh punishment
  • Sedition act of 1918

    During WW1, the US government had stifled freedom of speech with the Sedition act of 1918 in an effort to silence anti-war protest