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American History A-Cadence J

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    13,14,15 Amendments

    13- Abolished slavery 14-granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and slaves who had been emancipated after the American Civil War 15-The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
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    Abraham Lincoln

    A president that was assassinated.*Date he was sworn into presidency till he was assassinated.
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    The Civil War & Reconstruction

  • Freedmen Bureau

    Freedmen Bureau
    The Freedmen's Bureau, formally known as the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, was established in 1865 by Congress to help millions of former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the Civil War.
  • Reconstruction Era

    Reconstruction Era
    Reunite the nation, rebuild the south, Economy, and protect the newly freedmen.
  • Unit Overview

    How African American rights were restricted- They were separate but equal, black codes. The purpose of military reconstruction acts and goal diving the south into 5 military- To protect the newly freedmen. Plessy v. Ferguson supreme court case- made it legal to segregate. The hayes-Tilden election of 1876 led to the compromise of 1877 at the end of reconstruction-3 states disagreed so they moved out of the south.
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    Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson was the 17th president of the United States, serving from 1865 to 1869. Johnson assumed the presidency as he was vice president of the United States at the time of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
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    Presidential Reconstruction

    In 1865 President Andrew Johnson implemented a plan of Reconstruction that gave the white South a free hand in regulating the transition from slavery to freedom and offered no role to blacks in the politics of the South.
  • Reconstruction Act of 1867

    Reconstruction Act of 1867
    laid out the process for redimitting southern states.
  • Leader's

    Ulysses s Grant(1822-1885) commanded the victorious Union army during the American Civil War (1861-1865) and served as the 18th U.S. president from 1869 to 1877 Grant, an aggressive and determined leader, was given command of all the U.S. armies.Robert E lee (1807-70) served as a military officer in the U.S. Army, a West Point commandant and the legendary general of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War (1861-65). wh
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    was an informal, unwritten deal, that settled the intensely disputed 1876 U.S. presidential election.
  • Semester 1 Notes (Gilded Age Vocab)

    Sherman Anti Trust- outlawed businesses monopolies, but not very effective at limiting the power. Labor Unions- Organization that protected the interest of the workers.40 hour work week, bad working conditions, organized strikes. Industrialization- The rise of a manufacturing economy and the decline of agriculture. Bessemer Process(Henery)The first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel. Urbanization- large growth of cities.
  • Gilded Age Vocab

    Populism- Political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite. Based among poor, white cotton farmers in the south (North Carolina, Texas, Alabama) Pendleton service act- ensured the appointments to government jobs were based upon merit and qualifications. ELECTION OF 1896-Republicans nominated Mckinley while democrats joined with populist in nominating William Jennings.
  • Gilded Age Immigration

    IMMIGRATION-20 million European immigrants arrived in us between 1870-1920. Chinese worked on the railroad, Western and northern Europe were known as "old Immigrants" The southern and eastern were known as "new immigrants" who were processed at Ellis Island.
  • Semester 1 Notes (Gilded Age Vocab)

    Jane Addams-sept 6,1860-May 21,1935. Founder of Hull House in Chicago, Public philosopher, socialist, a leader in women suffrage
    .Settlment houses- Community centers that helped immigrants address the problems of horrible living conditions.Tenements- Apartment building in city slums to house large amounts of people.
    Sweatshops- small factories where workers were paid low wages in bad working conditions. CHILD LABOR- a major problem during gilded age.
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    Rutherford B Hayes

    Rutherford B. Hayes is known for winning one of the closest presidential elections in history. Many say he won by fraud (meaning he cheated) earning him the nickname His Fraudulency. He is also known for trying to reform the government as well as ending the Era of Reconstruction in the south.
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    Jim Crow Laws

    Enforced segregation of whites and African Americans
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    Gilded Age

  • Seven Factors of Industrial Growth-Transportation

    Seven Factors of Industrial Growth-Transportation
    Transportation: linked raw materials to factories& factory goods to consumer market
    A. River & Canals
    B. Roads
    C. Railroad
  • Seven Factors of Industrial Growth- Tariffs

    Seven Factors of Industrial Growth- Tariffs
    High tariffs ( tax on imports) buying American goods.
  • Seven Factors of Industrial Growth- Labor Supply

    Seven Factors of Industrial Growth- Labor Supply
    Labor supply: used to make goods
    1.high birth rate
    2.immigration from Europe and Asia
    3.Women and Children
  • Wave 2

    (After 1880)
    New Immigrants more than one third came from southern or eastern Europe.
    Ex. Greece, Italy, Slavic.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Rags to riches; born to poor Scottish family who immigrated to the U.S
    Became private secretary to the local superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad
    Entered the steel business in 1887
    Controlled 25% of the U.S steel production
    sold his steel business to J.P morgan in 1901
  • J.P Morgan

    Was known as the "giant of finance"
    Began his career as an accountant
    Were a banker and a great organizer of companies (GE & AT&t)
    bought Carnegie steel in 1901; renamed it U.S steel.
  • Vertical Integration

    vertical integration; buying up resources, transportaion,etc.
  • Wave 1

    (before 1880)
    "Old Immigrants"
    Almost all came from northern and western Europe
    ex. great Britain, Germany, Scandinavia.
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt

    1. He started out in SHIPPING, buying his first FERRY BOAT at age 16.
    2. He eventually had a large fleet of ferries and ocean steamships.
    3. Saw Railroads as the future.
    4. Became the wealthiest man in America 5.Built Grand Central Depot
    5. Made a deal with Johns Rockefeller to transport his oil
    6. Would have been worth $143 billion in 2007.
  • J.D Rockefeller

    J.D Rockefeller
    1.A founded standard oil company in 1870
    2. By 1880 90% monopoly; nation first billionaire.
    3.gave away 500 million dollars
    4. drove out competitors b selling oil at a lower price.
  • James J. HIll

    James J. HIll
    Canadian born but settled in st.paul
    "empire builder" used no government land grants
    built the Great northern railroad from Duluth to Puget Sound, Wa.
    Home in st.paul belongs to Mn Historical society.
  • Horizontal Integration

    Merging like companies together.
  • Social Darwinism

    "rich were meant to be rich"
    Life is a struggle and the poor are just weak or too lazy
    Justified a "hunt and Kill" method to acquire wealth and powers
  • Muckrakers & Reformer

    Muckrakers & Reformer
    Muckrakers- a journalist who wrote about the neg. affects of the industrial revolution.
    Upton Sinclair- a muckraker, wrote "The Jungle" in 1906 about unsafe/unsanitary conditions.
    Jacob Riis- a muckraker, wrote how the other half lives in 1890, described poor sanitation.
    Jane Adams- Reformer, founded Hull House in Chicago tenement district, led to the settlements house movement offering education, childcare, social activities.
  • Sources Of Labor During The Industrial Age

    Sources Of Labor During The Industrial Age
    migration from farms to cities( Urbanization)
    Young, Single women saw little futures pm farms
    Many Immigrants were black southern sharecroppers seeking a better life in Northern Industrial cities.
  • Industry Exploited Workers

    Industry Exploited Workers
    1.coal mines (boys) and textile factories (girls, women)
    2. Workers faced- low pay, long hours, and harsh working conditions.
    3. Women and children made up more than 50% of the industrial workforce in the 1800s.
  • Setting The Stage

    Setting The Stage
    1. By,1890 the frontier was officially considered closed
    2. Free land was no longer available to settlers moving West.
    3. Two waves of immigrants would come to settle America
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    Progressive Era

    *Suffrage- RIght to vote *Muckrackers- Reporters who exposed the corruption of big businesses *Trust buster- Term used to describe TR attempt to reform big businesses. *Pure Food and Drug act- regulation of the preparation of foods. *Meat Inspection act-Govt inspection of meat. IMPORTANT PEOPLE-Robert Lafollette(Wisconsin senator) Susan b. ( Civil rights leader) Upton Sinclair ( author of the jungle, book led to Meat, food, and D
    rug act)Woodrow Wilson( 28th president)
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    Progressive Era

    Changes Happening-higher pay, no child labor, segregation, cleaner ports, better working conditions.
    Problems-need cleaner ports, monopolies, Captain of Industry had to much power.
    How they can be fixed? Equal power, Voting, Labor unions.
    Worker Issues- Low wages, long hours, unsafe conditions.Urbanization- unsafe, living conditions.
    Beliefs- move away from Laissez-faire, make us govt response, limit power, clean up.
  • Spanish American War

    Expansionism-Alaska- purchased in 1867 from Russia. Known as "seawards Folly" initially considered a bad purchase.
    Hawaii-Purchased in 1898, Queen Liliuokalani was removed from power and Hawaii eas annexed by u.s. ALFRED THAYER- was u.s admiral who encouraged u.s to strengthen its naval power. RESULTS-acquired the terrorist of Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. The U.S increases its strength as world power.
  • Teddy Roosevelt And Imperialism

    Rough Riders- Volunteer calvary unity that gained fame at the battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba. PANAMA CANAL- a man-made waterway that connects to the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. They faced bad mosquitos and diseases. OPEN DOOR POLICY- Ensured U.S could trade with China.
  • Spanish American War April 1898

    Spanish American War April 1898
    Imperialism-period of time when strong countries take over weak countries.U.S helps Cuba. The united states trade with Cuba. Spain controls Cuba, Cuba wants independence.1898-Mckinley is hoping to avoid war. Extreme journalist call for war(yellow)-Joseph Pulitzer-William Randolph Hearst. Mckinley sends USS Maine-a ship-to Cuba. On Feb 15,1898-the USS marine blew up! No one knows what happened. Yellow journalists blamed Spain. They called for war! Yellow Journalism-News that exaggerated the truth
  • Spanish American War Pt.2

    On April 20, 1898, the U.S declared war on Spain. Uss Maine explodes. Protect American business in Cuba. America supports Cuba's independence from Spain. Yellow journalists call for war. War lasted 5 months April-August 1898, only 460 died from battle, 5,200 died from the disease. Theodore R. has navy battle Spanish ships in the Philippines and destroy the Spanish fleet in the pacific. Rough Riders- owned by TR-U.S wins the war at SanJuan hill in Puerto Rico-July 1,1898.
  • Progressive Era Tr Actions

    Progressive Era Tr Actions
    Pure food and drug act-Law that says you have to put labels on food.Meat Inspection act-Govt checks if the meat is good or bad.
    Hepburn act-Gave the govt power to set railroad rates. Muckrakers-Journalist who exposed the bad things in the U.S.Sherman Anti-trust act-Law to limit the size and power of big businesses. Interstate Commerce Commission-Govt agency used to supervise railroads. Square Deal- Name of tr plan to help people
  • Progressivism

    Suffaregetts,Populist, Temperance,Labor Unions,Civil Rights.
  • The Muckrakers(packet)

    Jacob Riis wrote a famous book "how the other half lives" describing living conditions.
    because of the Sinclairs novel, congress passed the Pure Food and drug act of 1906.
  • Outcome + After Spanish American War

    Territories U.S controlls-Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippeans.
    Mckinley is shot in 1901, Roosevelt becomes president. The Spanish American war, American was a world power.
  • Progressive Era People

    Jane Adams- Organized hull house. Ida Tarbell- wrote a history of the standard oil co. Jacob Riis-wrote about poverty and slums in cities. TR- President from 1901-1908. Woodrow Wilson-President from 1912-1920.William Howard Taft- President from 1908-1
    912.Robert La Follette- reform governor of Wisconsin.Upton Sinclair-wrote "the jungle". Eugene Debs-Socialist candidate for president.
  • Progressive Era

    Florence Kelly- Advocate for improving the lives of women & children.
    -Appointed chief inspector of factories for ILLINOIS.
    -Passage of Illinois Factory act of 1893( prohibited child labor, limited working hours, became model.
    -The panic of 1893 caused people to question capitalism system.
    -Eugene v. debs a union leader, saw uneven balance of wealth among big business, govt, embraced socialism. He criticized businesses for receiving favorable treatment from govt.
    -overproduce=price goes down.
  • Progressive Era Terms

    Progressive Era Terms
    reform-to change things to make them better. Middle class-people not classified as rich or poor.Hull House- settlement house to help the poor. Recall-vote to remove a politician from office. Arbitration-help two sides to comprise. Secret Ballot-Vote in private. Direct Primary-voters choose candidates for elections. Conservation-efforts to protect the environment.Intitive-Citizens place laws on the ballot.Referendum-citizens vote yes or no on a law.
  • Progressive Era Wilson Actions

    Bull moose party-name of Roosevelt's party in the election of 1912
    Clayton antitrust act-Strengthened Sherman anti-trust act. New freedom-Woodrow Wilson plans to help people. Ftc-Govt agency that watches over businesses. Payne-Aldrich tariff-raised the tariff to almost 50%. Democrat-Wilsons political party. Underwood tariff-lowered the tariff for the first time since the Civil war. Federal Reserve Act-Improved America's banking system.
  • Progressive Presidents

    Progressive Presidents
    Theodore Rosevelt ( trust buster)
    William Howard (needed a new bathtub)
    Woodrow Wilson ( world war 1)
  • The Square Deal

    The Square Deal
    Program for helping the common man.
    Some said he was a "Tratior" to his own class
    settled coal strike of 1902
    TR forced owners to negotiate with the union
    TR threatened to use the army to run the mines
    Workers made gaims with the government on their side(rare)
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire & Labor Union

    pushed for better pay, higher wages, better conditions, and protection.
    Organization of workers that join together to make changes in the workplace.
    March 25, 1911
    Started in factory
    Exits were blocked
    from a dropped cigarette on the 8th floor
    145 women & girls died.
  • WW1 Reasons for U.S Involvement

    Close ties with the Allies| Americans and the British spoke the same language. We shared the notion of Democracy. Americans traced their ancestry to Britain. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare| German policy of sinking any ships in the water included merchant and passenger ships. The sinking of Lusitania( 1915) | British passenger ship that was destroyed by a German submarine.128 Americans were killed. Zimmerman Note|Telegram sent by Germany.Mexico allys itself with them Mexico would receive land
  • What Sparked WW1

    What Sparked WW1
    Bosnians felt abused under the rule of Austria-Hungary.
  • Allies of WW1

    Allies of WW1
    Great Britain, France, Russia.
    Austria declared war on Serbia.
    Neutral powers-Spain.Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway.
  • WW1 Notes

    Weapons-Airplanes- to observe enemy from above. Dog fights occur in the air. Machine guns-rapid fire without loading.Effects of the trench- trench foot.Effects of gas-burns
    Triple Alliance: Germany: Kaiser Wilhelm 2 Austria-Hungary: Emanuel 2.
    Germanys "Schlieffen plan"- front zone of conflict between
    armies, the Western front would mostly be in France, Area between armies was known as "no man's land." FIghting two fronts put a giant strain on resources and manpower.
  • World War 1 Pt.2

    First communist leader- Veldamore lenon.Summary of march-November-Germany sent Veldamore to Russia, They were not economically stable, withdrew from the war. Three reasons for the U.S entering the war-Wilson wanted a better democracy, tried turning Mexico against us, unrestricted submarine warfare. The president that for a declaration of war April2,1917-Woodrow Wilson. General john j Pershing led. increase in American protectors in Asia was not part of Wilson's 14 points.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Long Term Causes-
    Militarism- Nations built large armies to help them secure their empires
    Alliances- European nations signed treaties with each other that created a system of alliances.
    Imperialism- Competitions between European countries to create empires.
    Nationalism- Strong feelings of pride for one's country.
    1914| WW1 begins in Europe
    1917|The U.S enters on the Allied side.
    1918| The allies win WW1 when Germany surrenders.
  • World War 1 Allied and Central Powers, Important People.

    World War 1 Allied and Central Powers, Important People.
    Allied- Great Britain, France, The U.S, Russia, Serbia.
    Central- German, Austria-hungary, Ottoma Empire, Bulgeria.
    Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand(dec.18,1863-June.23 1914)- assassinated by a Serbian in 1914.
    Woodrow Wilson(dec 28,1856-Feb 3, 1924)- President of U.S during WW1, wanted to fight the war to "make the world safe for democracy"
    General John Pershing(sept 13,1860-July 15,1948)-Commander of American expeditionary force during ww1.
  • WW1 Notes

    trench warfare- impact-had a bad impact on soldiers (lice, disease, etc) Trenches-10ft deep, soldiers are safe from enemy fire, barbed wire in front of the trench, constant need to be ready for an attack. they had very little territory changes hand. "no man's land" Area between enemy trenches Rooting bodies left in areas. New weapons developed- poisonous gas devloped-Mustard gas, stays low to the ground, forces soldiers out of their trenches. Tanks-can drive-through "no man's land."
  • WW1 Key Terms

    Trench Warfare-opposing sides attacked from the ditches instead of an open battlefield.
    Stalemate- a situation where neither side could gain an advantage in combat.
    Wilsons 14 points- proposal for peace after ww1. he called for freedom of seas, ending secret treaties, a league of nations.
    Battle of Argonne Forest- a battle that led to the surrender of the Germany army and the end of ww1.
    Treaty of Versailles- a treaty that officially ended ww1, Germany forced to pay reparations to the allies.
  • The Fighting End Notes

    -Shortage of soldiers (Iron youth)
    -U.S entry seemed to be too much for them.
    -November 1918 Germany asked for an armistice.
    -The allied powers had won the Great War.
    -Result-The treaty of Versalites (June 28, 1919)
    -Germany was blamed and punished for WWI, forced to give up for large amounts of land, asked to pay huge respirations(33 billion)
    -The treaty was rejected at home, despite Wilson's efforts.
    -The s made a separate peace treaty with Germany in 1921.
  • 16-19th Amendments

    16th-1913-income Tax
    17th-1913-Election at senators
    18th-1919- banned the sale of alcohol (repealed 21st amendment)
    19th-1920-women's right to vote.
  • Semester 1 Notes

    Legislative- make the law
    Executive- excuses the law
    Judicial-Interprets the law
    Checks and balances- Make sure no branch of the government becomes too powerful.
    Federalism-Power is shared between the state and national governments.
    Bill of Rights- First 10 Amendments to the constitution, Protect individual rights and liberties, ratify the constitution.
  • Semester 1 Notes

    The Civil War& Reconstruction (1861-1877)
    -Causes- Differences between north and south over slavery, taxation, and states rights, particularly the rights to own slaves in the south.- results- Robert e.lee surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse and the south loses the war, Lincoln was assassinated at five days after the war, Reconstruction began. RECONSTRUCTION-(1865-1877) The period after the civil war in us when the southern states were recognized and reintegrated into the unions.
  • Semester 1 Notes (Gilded Age)

    The Gilded Age-1877-1900-The souths economy became increasingly tied to cotton and tobacco production. The dominant issue was rights for black Americans, tariff policy and monarety policy. Prohibition of women's suffrage, while philanthropists built colleges and hospitals. Andrew Carnegie- (November 25,1835.-August 11,1919) he was a philanthropist who controlled most of the steel industry. John D. Rockefeller,(July 8,1839-May 23,1937.) Philanthropist, owned standard oil, controlled 90%
  • Semester 1 Notes

    Monopolies- a situation in which one company owns the whole industry. Trust-Small companies join together to form one big company.Laissez-faire-idea that the government should not interfere with business companies.Social Darwinism-the belief that the rich succeed because they are superior to the poor.
  • World War 1 Quiz Notes 1914-1918

    "the great war""The war that ends all war"Propaganda- is information that is used to promote a political cause or a point of view.GERMANY was blamed for WW1 and wash punished. BULGARIA was not a member of allied powers. The president wanted to support Germany and the central powers.
    Competition between countries- Militarism. FRANCE was NOT a member of central powers. Policy or practice by which a country increases its power- Imperialism. Having pride in one's country- nationalism.
  • WW1 Quiz Notes

    Propaganda- using words and pictures to portray people in a certain way. Wilsons statement " the world must be made safe for democracy" justifies that he should... ask congress to declare war against Germany. May 1915 the LUSITANIA torpedoed without warning.
  • Extra Notes

    The system in which landowners provided farmers with housing and supplies in return for a portion of their crops- Sharecropping. Supreme law of land- the constitution.Whos in charge of the executive branch? The president 27 amendments structure of the constitution-preamble, articles, amendments.Plessy v Ferguson-separate but equal. Reunify the union-one of president Lincolns' first goals of reconstruction. Radical republican- overturns johnsons vetoes on major reconstruction.
  • Semester 1 Notes

    Westward Expansion- The belief that America had the god-given right and duty to expand across the continent. Great Plains- Grassland if central North America that extends from the Mississippi River to the rocky mountains. California Gold Rush- (1849) After gold was discovered in California, over 40,000 people migrated from the east to "strike it rich."Homestead act- ( 1862) was a law that provided 160 acres to anyone who was willing to settle land in the west.