American History

  • Proclamation Line

    King George made the line that made the colonists forbidden beyond the mountains
  • Treaty of Paris

    French & Indian War
  • George Washington

    Non-Federalist Federalist
  • Ratificatin of the Consitution

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    First bank of USA

  • Adoption of the Bill of Rights

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    Whisky Rebellion

    During the time of George Washington. Protest of taxes.
  • John Adams

  • XYZ Affair

    Led to a undeclared war between french and USA when John Adam is in charge, It's called the Quasi-War
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    Alien and Sedition Acts

    Limit Republicans power, made by John Adams.
    Made immigrants harder to become citizens, allowed government to imprison people that are not a citizen who looks dangerous.
    Two different acts
  • Thomas Jefferson

  • Louisiana Purchase

    A land deal between USA and French. for 827,000 square miles of land for 15 million dollars.
  • James Madison

  • James Monroe

  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    A treaty between Spain and American. Splited their territory, Florida is now America's
  • Missouri Compromise

    Many southeners worried if there are more free state, slave-holding state will have less rights, and slavery might even by over-lawed.
    The congress agreed to the compromise, made a line, declared Missouri as slave-holding and Maine as Free(and some territory), make balance.
  • Andrew Jackson

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    Andrew Jackson Presidency

  • The Indian Removal Act

    A negoitaition with the Native Americans to let them move to the very west
  • American Anti-Slavery Society

    William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan made an organization to spread abolitionist messages, and their goal is to end slavery. They often held meetings, gave speeches, and send messages to slave supporters, but many slave supporters violently attack the society.
  • Burning abolitionist literature in Charleston, South Carolina

    In 1835 many people gathered, attacked the post office (shown in image) and burned many pamphlet (a small booklet that contains one single argument). Many of these pamphlet were distributed by William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan.
  • Gag Rule

    Many abolitionists and the American Anti-Slavery Society sent many petitions (request to do something) to the House of Representitive to let them do something about slavery. Finally, the House of Representitive made a rule about them not act on anything of what the petition says, it eneded in 1844.
  • Pennsylvania Hall burns

    Many slavery supporters burned down the Pennsylvania Hall, this hall was the location of many abolitionist meetings.
  • Texas annexation

    Texas is in the United States as the 28th state
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    James Polk presidency

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    Mexican American War

    The war with Mexico. Mexico lost half of its land.
  • Oregon treaty

    Seperated British and American's territory, witht he exception of Vancouver Island, which is still British.
  • Mexican Cession

    America took away Mexican's land and mark it as their own. The west part of America
  • Compromise of 1850

    This act allowed California as a free state, and allowed some states such as New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Utah to vote on whether they want slavery or not. And this ended the slave trade in Washington D.C.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    This makes U.S. marhshals and deputies help slave owners to get their escaped slaves back and denie the captured blacks legal power to prove freedom. The South were upset of the North helping slave escape, the North are upset of this law, they want to help the slaves and ignore the law.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    This book reponse to the fugitive act, explains the evil of slavery. Many people turned into abolitionist after reading this book, made southerners furious.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    A purchase made by James Gadsden for Arizona and New Mexico.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    This bill got rid of the Missouri Compromise line, and opened slavery to Kansas and Nebraska. Reversed the Missouri Compromise.
  • "Bleeding Kansas"

    Many abolitionist moved into Kansas to influence the vote. Lead to violent conflict, more than 200 settlers died.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott argued he should be free because his master brought him to free states. THe Supreme Court ruled against Scott and says that all slaves or decendent of slaves cannot be free.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown and 22 more men tries to arm and free slaves. They captured a lot of important people, but Brown got captured and killed.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Southerner vote negatively against Lincoln because they thought Lincoln would try and end slavery.
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    Southern states are afraid that Lincoln would end slavery, many of the southern states left the Union.
  • Fort Sumter

    The South believe they are a seperated country, so they took control over many federal buildings, and attacked fort sumter. Lincoln called on the federal troop to take back the fort, so the civil war begins.