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American History

  • Oct 12, 1492

    European discovery of the America's

    In the late 15th century Christopher Columbus set out on a journey to find an alternate trading route to India. After 10 long weeks at sea Christopher finally found land on an island in the modern day Bahama's. Here many atrocities were committed against the Native people in order to establish a sense of dominance.
  • Period: 1530 to

    English exploration/Roanoke

    During the early 16th century The English were not very capable of overseas exploration due to the struggling monarchy. This did not stop them from asserting their dominance overseas however. In 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh was able to establish a small colony in Roanoke. The colony was small consisting of only 117 people which enticed Raleigh to gather more settlers from England. When he returned from England the entire colony had vanished and it is unknown to this day what had happened to them.
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    English business/Creation of Jamestown

    In the early days of English settle the in North America a precursor to modern corporations can be seen. Many English Merchants and landed Elite began to arrive which opened the opportunities for trade and wealth. The first established company was formed by a joint stock company in 1607 which saw Royal approval. These people aside the Chesapeake and later would form Jamestown in honor of James I.
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    Charles II

    When King Charles II ascended the throne in 1660 many of the English people were happy to see their monarchy return after a decade without one. He was brought to power after the people were dissatisfied with how his father was running the country as an apparent military dictator. Charles II wished to continue the expansion of England's overseas possessions and was mostly successful.
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    Slavery really began to escalate in the ladder half of the seventieth century. Many who were in transportation died from a variety of factors including disease and lack of nourishment. many Africans attempted to resist their captures but often lead to them being suppressed. The Stono Rebellion in particular which was lead by a literate African named Jemmy but lack most others this rebellion quickly suppressed and resolved.
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    Warfare generations

    Many generations of Britsh colonists in North America would spend a majority of their life while at war. The imperial army would enforce harsh disciplines on their soldiers who came from poor families which was done to ensure that they don't step out of line. These conflicts were fought on both American and European fronts which would give the wars 2 names.
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    The Enlightenment

    A cultural movement began to from which was known as the enlightenment. This emphasized fact and reason over religious superstition and blind faith. The Freemasons would later form who wished to enforce the ideas that the Enlightenment presented. One Freemason in particular who is known as Benjamin Franklin would stand as the embodiment of The enlightenment movement.