Nat's rebellion

  • 1 CE

    Jesus rises from deadness

    Jesus rises from deadness
    He's not dead anymore
  • 37

    Nero was birthed

    Nero got birthed on this day
  • Declaration of Independence

    they declared our independence that day
  • Period: to

    Tariff of 1828

    Tariff of abominations
  • Period: to

    Nat's rebellion

    Nat turner and 60 other slaves led a violent uprising that killed many virginians.
  • California gold rush

    The Californians found gold in California
  • 9/11

    Two towers fell that day
  • My Birthing day

    My Birthing day
    Buck O'Neil died on my birthing day
  • Stephen Hawking's death day

    Stephen Hawking died on this day