American History

  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    On January 31, 1865, The 13th, amendments were passed. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. The North had won the civil war. One of the main reasons for the war was slavery and wanting to end the practice in America. This was the first step in giving African Americans the life they deserve and was one of the biggest events to take place for America in the 1800's
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    The 14th Amendment was passed on June 8th, 1866. Giving citizenship to any child who is born on American soil. This made it so all people who have children in the US their children were garneted citizenship even if they are not them selves. This helped former slaves as some them were not considered citizens but they could at least make sure their kids were and may have a better life because of it.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment was passed on February 26, 1869. It stated that African Americans now had the right to vote. This was huge as it finally gave more equality to the African American community after decades of mistreatment by America and was another step towards true equality for all.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike
    On July 16, 1877, The Great Railroad strike was accorded. This was a massive strike taken on by railroad workers who had their pay cut for a second time in eight months while they still worked the same grueling hours. This led to one of the first major strikes in American history. This was a early play at unionization for the American people which is something that we still see used today.
  • Sherman anti-trust act

    Sherman anti-trust act
    The Sherman trust act was passed in April 8th, 1890. The act states that no company can have full control over a any market. This came into fruition through corruption caused by these companies that were monopolizing the market the market and then paying off politicians to keep their power.
  • The Pure Food And Drug Act

    The Pure Food And Drug Act
    The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed on June 30th, 1906. This law was passed because conditions in factories that made food were awful and led to lots of sicknesses and even deaths because of contamination in the food. This act introduced the FDA, an admiration we still have today that watches over all food production and regulates all food in the US.
  • Ford Model T

    Ford Model T
    On October 1, 1908, the Ford Model T was released to the public. Although, not the most successful car it was the first American car and was the beginning of the modern car and the most used mode of transportation as of today in America.
  • Clayton act of 1914

    Clayton act of 1914
    The Clayton act was passed on October 8th, 1914. This act made price fixing illegal. Big companies were stating to take advantage of smaller ones by making their prices low so they can take their competition out and then raise the prices to take advantage of the people who were now dependent on that companies goods. This was happening so often it lead to the conception of this the clayton act
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    World War 1

    On April 6, 1917, The US declared war on Germany and they joined the First World War. This is one of the biggest wars America has ever been a part of. It also leads to the birth of America's most valuable asset, the military. Before World War 1 we had not done much with the military. However, after we joined the war the US built up its military and turned into a world power in part due to the military.
  • The Spanish Flu

    The Spanish Flu
    On March 11, 1918, The first recorded case of the Spanish flu appeared in Fort Riley, Kanas. This was the beginning of one of the deadliest illness to go through America. 675,000 died in America alone. Making this one of the most dangerous vires America has aver seen
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    On June 4th, 1919 the 19th amendment was passed. The amendment allowed women to vote for the first time in America allowing another half of the population to vote on the next president of the country.
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    The Great depression

    The great depression was a very dark time for Americans as the lavish lifestyles that most lived during the 20's came back to haunt them. It was mostly caused by the way Americans were using credit and using so much that they could never pay it off. This led to the great Depression where jobs were hard to find, money was scarce and food and water were hard to attain making life very difficult during this time.
  • The Hoover dam

    The Hoover dam
    On July 7, 1930, The construction of the Hoover Dam began. This was done for a couple of reasons. This was a great way to create jobs during the dark times of the great depression and helped some people just get through it. It also was built to provide more clean water to the American people and keep the environment safe at the same time. Finally, a flood took place and ruined the lives of thousands. This dam would also be a means of protection for the American people.
  • Scottsboro Tragedy

    Scottsboro Tragedy
    On April 4th, 1931, eight of 9 African-American boys were given the death penalty after being falsely accused of Raping two white girls on a train. The trial took place in Scottsboro and it was an all-white jury. With racism still rampant at the time it led to the boys being convicted wrongfully and after decades of being in and out of court they were set free but their lives were ruined. They collectively spent 130 years in prison for a crime they did not commit.
  • The Glass-Steagall Act

    The Glass-Steagall Act
    On June 16, 1933, The Glass-Steagall Act was passed. This was an act that reformed the way banks worked and ensured that up to a certain amount of money would be fully reimbursed by the government if the bank went under. This made Americans feel safe enough to put their money into banks again.
  • The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934

    The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934
    On June 6th, 1934, The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 was passed. This act created the SEC (U.S securities and and exchange commission) that allow the government to oversee what is happening in the stock market and catch anyone who is trying to take advantage of it.
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    World War 2

    The U.S. joined World War 2 on December 7, 1941. After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor America decided to bear arms and Join the war. This would turn out to be the bloodiest war in the history of mankind leaving 15 million military dead alone. 416,800 of those are American troops who died fighting for their country. However, The war led to America becoming a superpower for decades to come and would be the main reason why the Great Depression ended. The war ended on September 2, 1945.
  • The GI Bill

    The GI Bill
    The Gi bill was passed on June 22, 1944. This was a bill that granted all World War 2 Vets funds for education or collage, unemployment and housing. This was big as it let people who were coming back from a traumatizing experience back into society and allowed them to thrive with the money they had been given
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    The Cold War

    The Cold War was a period when America and the Soviet Union were in an arms race to have the most nuclear weapons to deter the other from using them on one another. This led to a scary time in America where Americans were always looking over their shoulders, scared of the Soviets and communists alike. It led to distrust amongst one another and caused lots of scares at the time.
  • Malcom X Speech on Police Brutality

    Malcom X Speech on Police Brutality
    Malcom X is one of the most well known civil rights activists. His speech about police brutality against African-Americans showed lots of people in the states the very poor ways the police would treat them compared to white people and this caused a lot of controversy in the states and was a factor into leading to new era for the civil rights movement.