American History

By Rorie
  • 1440

    The Spread

    The Spread
    While Marco Polo and the Crusades were traveling new ideas spread throughout Europe that opened the way for the Renaissance period to begin ( Editors).
  • Oct 12, 1492

    New World

    New World
    "Three ships dropped an anchor in the New World and changed the course of history" ( Editors).
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    In order to understand what brought the Pilgrims to America, you have to go back to Wittenburg, Germany ( Editors). Where Martin Luther challenged the Roman Catholic Church by posting his Ninety-five Theses for debate ( Editors).
  • 1534


    The majority of The Church of England belonged to the people of Europe ( Editors).
  • 1577

    Sea Dogs

    Sea Dogs
    The Golden Hind was the ship drake used to sail the Spanish Lake now known as the pacific ocean ( Editors). "Drake reasoned that he could follow Magellan's route to surprise the Spanish and make great conquests" ( Editors).
  • Philip

    Philip was upset with the English pirates who constantly raided Spanish ships and settlements so he sent the Spanish Armada to end the raids and the Armada was defeated by the English navy and had to retreat ( Editors).
  • Samoset and Squanto

    Samoset and Squanto
    Spring had finally come to New England. The people rose with the coming of warm sunshine and realized that they had survived their first winter ( Editors). One day, a stranger came to town a tall Indian, dressed in buckskins with only his bow and arrow, and marched down the street to the meetinghouse ( Editors). " "Welcome," said the stranger in English. He was Samoset, a friend of Squanto and Chief Massasoit" ( Editors).
  • Toleration Act

    Toleration Act
    The Catholics were outnumbered by Protestant settlers in Maryland and the assembly passed this measure to guarantee freedom of worship to the Catholic minority ( Editors). "It granted religious freedom to all those who professed belief in Jesus Christ" ( Editors).

    In 1664 New York became an English proprietary colony, it began as a Dutch trading post ( Editors). The Dutch West India Company was chartered to colonize this region and to develop trade ( Editors).
  • Georgia

    The authors claim that "James Oglethorpe and several of his friends received a charter from King George II to organize a colony south of the Carolinas"( Editors). It will be called Georgia ( Editors).