American History 4

By Rorie
  • Eli Whiney

    Eli Whiney
    He created the cotton gin. The cotton gin separated the seeds from the cotton and made the slave's job easier because it separated about 150 lbs. a day. But without it, they would only separate 1 lb. a day
  • Denmark Vesey

    Denmark Vesey
    He was a carpenter in Charleston, SC. Purchased his freedom in the 1800s but carefully developed plans for a revolt over several years. And was executed with 39 others for conspiring to revolt.
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    William Lloyd Garrison

    One leader of the abolition movement and published "The Liberator." This is a newspaper that became a leading voice in the militant abolitionist movement.
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    Frederick Douglas

    He was a fine speaker who thrilled his audiences and gained many supporters for the New England Antislavery Society. Douglass also published "The North Star," a newspaper for black readers, and helped to keep the abolitionist cause before the nation's political leaders ( Editors).
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    Theodore Dwight Weid

    He was from Ohio and he traveled across the country. While he traveled he gave lectures on the evils of slavery.
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    Sonjourner Truth

    She attracted large crowds throughout the West and New England. She would speak against slavery to the crowds.
  • Nat Turner Revolt

    Nat Turner Revolt
    He was a plowman on a Virginia plantation. He led a group of 10 slaves on a revolt slaying, 60 white people, before being restrained by state and federal law. And was later executed with 13 slaves and 3 freedmen for being involved in the revolt
  • The Amistad

    The Amistad
    A Spanish ship carrying a cargo of captured Africans to Havana and sailed into a storm. The whole crew was trying to keep the boat afloat and after the tired crew went and bedded down and the Africans captured the ship.
  • Joseph Cinque

    Joseph Cinque
    Lead the revolt of The Amistad spared the ships owner's lives and ordered them to return to Africa. During the day they started to sail to Africa but at night they changed their course and sailed to the New York Harbor by morning and the Africans were taken, prisoner.
  • John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams
    Defended Joseph Cinque's revolt and he declared it is an inherent right of every man to be free regardless of laws to the contrary.