• Start of the Vietnam war

    Start of the Vietnam war
    This event is important because it is often cited as the first day of the Vietnam war. This is what most people aknowladge as the first political spilt of Vietnam.
  • Election of 1960

    Election of 1960
    This was a historic election because it featured the first televised presidential debate. The american population was much more persuaded by looks and charisma in this election than they had been in any other election other. It also had a shift in power right after the war and left the newly elected Kennedy a fairly large mess to clean up.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson's escalation

    Lyndon B. Johnson's escalation
    Lyndon B Johnson did not consider Vietnam a priority and therefore the war raged unchecked for three years. This is when many of the great trageties occured during the war because there was no checks
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    This event is siginficant in US history because it was one of our more sucessful sea battles. There was damage to US ships but not to any US soldiers. There were few casualties on the sided of the Vietnamese.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet offensive was one of the most offending battles of the Vietnam war because it took place on Tet which is the Vietnamese holiday similar to Christmas and New Years. There had been an agreement to not attack on this holiday and
  • Vietnamization

    This was important because it was Nixons idea of trying to limit the scope of the war. It was helpful in the sense that it limited the war to south east Asia but it was extreemly awful for the Viet Cong
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    This event was pivitol because the police fired on a unarmed, peaceful, college protest. This event killed four students and wounded nine more. This event rocked Americans to the core because for many it finally brought the tragities of war close to home.
  • Scandal of Watergate

    Scandal of Watergate
    This event is significant because it destroyed the American faith in their president. It made them questions what else they had been decieved of.
  • Withdrawal of American forces

    Withdrawal of American forces
    This was a long lengthy process that started when the United States began to realize that we were losing the war. This affected the US by bringing all of the soldiers back to their families
  • Campaign 275

    Campaign 275
    This was a compaign started by the south in order to try to get a clear path up to the north and have access to a important beach front. The South inevitably failed in their attempts and it was a major set back for the US
  • Final North Offensive

    Final North Offensive
    This was also called the Ho Chi Minh Campaign and it was final attack on the South by the North. The Northern fighters were out numbered six to one but still were victorious in taking over Saigon. President Thieu resigned on the same day, declaring that the United States had betrayed South Vietnam.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    This official marked the end of the Vietnam war. This significant event was marked by the overthrow of Saigon making Vietnam officially the
  • Last US Soldier leaves Vietnam

    Last US Soldier leaves Vietnam
    This event is significant because it marks the end of physical hostilities towards Vietnam. Diplomatic reperations can now start to be repaired between Vietnam and the US.