American History 3

By Rorie
  • Supreme Court

    Supreme Court
    The Supreme Court is made up of a Chief Justice and five associate judges the Judiciary Act is what provided this. It permitted the Supreme Court to review state laws and state court decisions that involved the Constitution, treaties, and federal laws which strengthened the central government.
  • George Washington's Inauguration

    George Washington's Inauguration
    This occasion for nationwide rejoicing, the new nation had to face the serious business of building a government after the celebration ended.
  • Naturalization Act

    Naturalization Act
    Stated that a foreigner had to live in the United States fourteen years to become a citizen.
  • The National Gazette

    The National Gazette
    Established by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison was the newspaper to make the public aware of their views.
  • The Alien Act

    The Alien Act
    Permitted the president to deport aliens whom he judged dangerously.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    Authorized fines up to $5,000 and imprisonment for hindering the government.
  • Alien Enemies Act

    Alien Enemies Act
    Permitted the president to imprison or deport dangerous aliens in times of war
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Meriweather Lewis was commissioned by Jefferson the explore the territory acquired in the Lousiana Purchase. With William Clark, another Virginian wise in the ways of the frontier, Lewis led an expedition to the Pacific ( Editors). They returned in 1806.
  • The Battle of Lake Erie

    The Battle of Lake Erie
    Led by Captain Perry, Americans quickly built an improvised fleet of ships and defeated the superior British forces on Lake Erie ( Editors).
  • The Compromise Tariff

    The Compromise Tariff
    Provided temporary relief from the tension aroused by these issues, and it allowed Jackson to restore order within the Democratic Party.