Gracie Boze

  • 1182

    The Triple Alliance

    The Triple Alliance
    Germany and Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia
  • Anglo-Russian Entente

    Anglo-Russian Entente
    This was an agreement between Britain an Russia
  • Causes of World War 1

    Causes of World War 1
    1.alliances 2.extreme leaders 3.natrlisim 4.millitarizm
  • Long term causes to world war 1

    Militarism-the build up of large armies, Alliance system-agreements or promises to help other countries, Imperialism-stronger countries domonate weaker countries, Nationalism-intence pride and loyality of a nation.
  • causes of world war 1

    Balkan region very unstable. Archduke Franz Ferdinand by gravrilo principi (black hand) Austria hungary declares war on serbia july 28 Russia mobolized troops alliance with seriba Germany declared war on Russia and France (August 1 and august 3)
  • New technology

    Machine Gun, Tank, Gas warfare, Heavy artillery, Airplane, Zepplins, Dreadnaughts, Submarines
  • New effects war caused

    Physical and psychological problems with trenches, Trench foot, Shell shock, Starvation, Suicide
  • The western front

    went on for 10 months land gained 2 miles German flamethrowers cleaned out trenches 700,000 dead
  • The eastern front Ottoman empire

    Armenian genocide (1914-1916) Christians looking for independance armenians blamed for siding with allies
  • Central Powers

    Central Powers
    Germany Austria Hungary ottoman Empire then the alliances are France Italy Russia then the united states came in
  • The western front part 2

    British offensive on the German July 1916 introduction of tanks Over 800,000 casualties by September 1916
  • Republican presidents/Democrat's presidents

    Republican presidents/Democrat's presidents
    Warren G. Harding, Republican Calvin Coolidge, Republican Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, Prominent Republican James M. Cox, Democratic Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic
  • Sacco-Vanzetti

    Two anarchists ( see anarchism), Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, who were convicted of a robbery and two murders in Massachusetts in the early 1920s and sentenced to death. Sacco and Vanzetti were born in Italy but had been living in the United States for years when they were tried.
  • Red scare

    A "Red Scare" is promotion of widespread fear by a society or state about a potential rise of communism, anarchism, or radical leftism.
  • Woodrow wilson

    Woodrow wilson
    Died February 3rd, 1924 causes was he was old and had a stroke
    Wilsons wife Edith unofficially took over the reigns of power because wilson died three years after leaving the office
  • National Origins acts

    National Origins Act of 1924. A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hitler was a German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He rose to power as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and later Führer in 1934. During his dictatorship from 1933 to 1945, he initiated World War II in Europe by invading Poland in September 1939.
  • alliies

    The allies were united states, soviet union, and france