American History 1970-1975

  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    The first Earth Day celebration was held with millions of Americans participating in anti-pollution demonstrations.
  • Cambodia Invasion

    Cambodia Invasion
    Four students from Kent State University in Ohio were killed and nine wounded by National Guardsmen during a protest against the Vietnam War spread into Cambodia.
  • Vietnam

    A forty-four day raid into Laos by South Vietnamese soldiers is begun with the aid of United States air and artillery.
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    Walt Disney World opens in Orlando, Florida, expanding the Disney empire to the east coast of the United States.
  • China

    The journey for peace trip of the U.S. President to Peking, China begins. The eight day journey by Richard M. Nixon and meetings with Mao Zedong, unprecedented at the time, began the process for normalization of relations with China.
  • North Vietnam Attacks

    North Vietnam Attacks
    The largest attacks by North Vietnam troops across the demilitarized zone in four years prompts bombing raids to begin again by United States forces against Hanoi and Haiphong.
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Roe vs. Wade
    The United States Supreme Court rules in Roe vs. Wade that a woman can not be prevented by a state in having an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy.
  • Peace Accords

    Peace Accords
    Four part Vietnam peace pacts, the Paris Peace Accords, were signed in Paris, France. The announcement of the military draft ending also occurred on that date. The last U.S. military troops would leave the war zone on March 29.
  • Nixon

    Legislation is signed by President Nixon creating the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area along the Cumberland River in Kentucky and Tennessee.
  • Communist

    Communist forces complete their takeover of South Vietnam, forcing the evacuation from Saigon of civilians from the United States and the unconditional surrender of South Vietnam.