Public school integration
The Supreme Court orders that all public schools be integrated. -
Rosa Parks bus ride
Rosa Parks, a black woman, refuses to give up her seat on the bus to a white man, prompting a boycott that would lead to the declaration that bus segregation laws were unconstitutional by a federal court. -
Sit-in at Woolworth lunch counter
Four black college students stage a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth lunch counter, protesting their refusal of service. -
Kennedy elected president
John F. Kennedy was elected 35th president of the United States. -
Bay of Pigs
Invasion of Cuba that was repulsed by Cuban forces in an attempt by Cuban exiles under the direction of the United States government to overthrow the regime if Fidel Castro. -
Construction of the Berlin Wall
The construction of the Berlin Wall begins by the Soviet bloc, dividing the German city between the East and West. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Soviet Union began building offensive missiles in Cuba. President Kennedy orders a naval and air blockade of military equipment to the island. An agreement was reached With Khrushchev on the removal of the missiles and the U.S. would remove it's missiles from Turkey. -
Civil Rights March
Civil Rights March in Washington, D.C. where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech. -
Kennedy assassinated
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas during a motorcade through downtown Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald. -
MLK assassinated
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee while standing on a hotel balcony by James Earl Ray. -
Nixon elected president
Richard Nixon was elected 37th president of the United States. -
Nixon resigns
Richard Nixon resigns as president of the United States avoiding impeachment for his part in the Watergate break-in of the Democratic Headquarters.