American History 1900-1920

  • Wright Brothers first sustained flight

    Orville Wright on board, and lasting just 12 seconds, the Wright brother make the first successful flight by a powered aircraft at Kitty Hawk, N.C.
  • The Gentlemen's Agreement

    The United States allows the Japanese to immigrate to America in exchange for Japan to limit the amount of immigration to America from Japan
  • First Ford Model T produced

    the Ford company begins manufacturing the Model T, which allowed middle-class Americans to own a vehicle for the first time and it also dramatically increased productivity in America.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot by a Serbian nationalist which results in a chain of events that begins in World War I
  • the Lusitania is Sunk

    the Lusitania is torpedoed and sinks off the Irish coast. 1,198 passengers drown, including 114 Americans.
  • U.S joins World War 1

    Primarily due to U-Boats sinking ships with American passengers on board the United States joins the allied war effort against Germany. and its allies.
  • The Espionage Act

    The Espionage Act made it a criminal offense to try and interfere with the government's war effort and draft, and those who were convicted would receive 20 years jail time and a 10,000 dollar fine.
  • The Committee on Public Information is Established

    The Committee on Public Information used a combination of censorship and propaganda in order to when the publics' support for the war effort.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    the Treaty stripped Germany of its land and natural resources and mandated steep reductions in the size of the German army and navy and also required them to pay reparation worth 32 billion dollars.
  • 19th Amendment is passed

    After the 19th Amendment was passed Women were now allowed to participate in government and were a big step forward towards equality for all Americans