Colonial jamestown map with tribes large

American History 1600-1700

By mattm97
  • Founding of Jamestown

    Jamestown was founded as America’s first permanent English colony in Virginia in 1607. Approximately 100 people called the Virginia Company settled in America
  • Dutch Exploration

    Henry Hudson sailed into New York while working for the Dutch
  • Marriage of Pocahontas

    John Rolfe and Pocahontas marry leading to years of peace between the colonists and the Native Americans.
  • Puritan Expedition

    The Puritans arrived in Cape Cod
  • The First Thanksgiving

    Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe share the first Thanksgiving meal
  • Virgina

    The Charter on Virginia is ended by the King and it becomes a royal colony.
  • Charles I Executed

    King Charles I was executed in England causing the colonies to discuss for the first time the authority of the British over the new settlements.
  • Period: to

    New colonies added

    New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Carolina, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania colonies founded
  • Bay Psalm Book

    The first book is printed in North America
  • Slavery

    Slavery was legalized in Connecticut and is recognized in the American colonies
  • Virginia's Law

    This law stated that children of slaves were to become slaves themselves for their lifetimes.
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    Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon and others attacked the Doeg Indians using self-defense as their excuse. Local tribes were furious and conflicts arose between the two sides.
  • King Phillip's War

    Twelve towns were destroyed as Metacolm Indians attacked settlers for encroaching on their land. This was the beginning of a war that lasted a year
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    Salem Witch Hunts

    Preachers caused over 150 people to be arrested and 19 of them were executed.