We the people

American History 1

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    the greatest gift my family ever got cause I'm awesome....just kidding
  • Early Explorer's

    Early Explorer's
    Christopher Columbus
    Spain - 1492
    Hernando Cortez
    Spain - 1519
    Francisco Pizzaro
    Spain - 1532
    Hernan de Soto
    Spain - 1539
  • English Settlement in America

    English Settlement in America
    Sir Walter Raleigh, John White, Virginia 1585-1587 {settlement- Roanoke}
    Samuel de champion 1608 {settlement- New France}
  • Native American Resistance

    Native American Resistance
    1673 - Pequot were virtually wiped out by the English
    King Phillips War - (1675- 1678)
    1607 - founded by the Virginia company
  • Road to Reveloution

    1754 - the French built Fort Duquense at the point where the Ohio Rivers forms.
    1763 - War officially ends with Treaty of Pans
    1763 - proclamation
  • End of Revolution

    September 3, 1783
    Great Britain acknowledge the us as a free nation
    2 Acts concerned the Northwest Territory
    Land Ordinance of 1785
    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    Land Ordinance of 1785
    Congress sold tracts of land to raise money
    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    Created guidelines for admission as states in the US
    1787 – Delegates met to revise the Articles of Confederation but decided to create a new constitution