African american history ananda

American History 1

By anandaD
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus date sailed- 1492

  • 1519

    Hernando Cortez date sailed- 1519

  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro date sailed- 1532

  • 1539

    Hernan de Sotodate sailed- 1539

  • 1580

    English settlement in the Americas 1585-1587

  • French settlement in the Americas

  • King Phillips War

  • Thirty Years war

  • Dutch settlement in the Americas

  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

  • English civil war

  • William Penn found Pennsylvania

  • the great disaster

  • 1st great awakening

  • Quakers, 1st anti-slavery society

  • declaration of independence

  • New Hampshire constitution

  • Constitutional convention

  • Judiciary Act

  • Cotton Gin

  • Jay's Treaty

  • Pickney's Treaty

  • Steam Boat

  • Embargo Act

  • James Madison reeclected in 1812

  • Extension of slavery into new territories

  • Gibbson v. Ogden

  • Mechanical Reaper

  • Texas Independence

  • Steel Plow

  • Election of Polk

  • Mexican Cession

  • Gold Rush

  • Gadsden Purchase

  • U.S population exceeds

  • New mexico became a state

  • 19th amendment

  • immigration act