American History

  • Market Revolution

    Market RevolutionMarket Revolution started in 1793, and when Eli Whitney created the first cotten gin. later he also created the mass production of muskets, leading the countrys economy to the size of many that spread across europe. thsi idea of mass prodution also was a critical part in the economy diffrences between north and south u.s.a that led to the civil war. thee erie canel and many other aspects played
  • abolition

    it started off in britain, when the Quakers announced their beliefs taht all people were created eaqul. later on al of Europe believed it, and they tried convincing every where else. slavery was bad, and Abolitionists were the people who tried to help others realize it. abolition acts were people convincing others taht slaverys needs to end, and blacks are to be equal. eventually everyone started to listen and to fallow these acts. resulting in few places with legal slavery.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    the industreal revolution happend, when factories started to mass produse equiptment. the idea of this revolution is basically when stuff is stopped being built by hand and moreso by machinery and technology. the idea of the industreal revolution also could be translated as to when we started to mass produce, along with mass transportation systems, and electricity being effectivly harnessed throughout all of america.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    the monroe doctrine was america stating that no european powers can go any farther into cullinizing the new world, they stated that they would let the colonies exist but no furthur expantion, they had lots of british help in enforcing this as america had little navy, and Brittian had their Royal navy. few took it sieriousally, but it took hold and eventually stoped.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    <a href=''</a> manifest destiny is the idea of america stretching from sea to shining sea. it hurt many surrounding cultures but was eventually acomplished and America still ownes the land today. many also say that it was just a cover up for the war with mexico. it effected america because we gained thousands of miles of land, it happend shortly after the second war with britain
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    california Gold RushThe Gold Rush was made up of hundreds of thousands of poeple who all went on a massive search for gold throughout california. most left with little more than they had started with, a few struck it rich and made millions of dollers. at first, there was gold that littreally could be picked up off of the ground. after more and more poeple came it dissappeared quickly. many started to do simple methods such as panning, to get more and more gold. then mining, when many poeple quit.
  • Womens Rights

    Womens Rights
    womens rights started in 1848, when their was a meting held in new york. the movement started because women had little to no polittical rights. iowa had small roles to play, as it was the first state to let a women inside a bar, and also the first women was admitted into the university of iowa. womens rights are still happening as there are some who still believe that women should not be treated as equal. but many places in the world treat women right.
  • Progressivism

    progressivism started in the later part of the 19th century, it was accepted by a large number of presidents, some such as Theadore Rosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. my views on progressivism is people who arent left wing, but arent entirley right wing, in the political since. this party is comperable to independant partys, because it isnt either of the two original partys but it isnt its own party.
  • missionary diplomacy

    the missionary diplomacy happend, because Woodrow Wilson decited it was in the united states best intrest to not recodnize any latin america countries that were hostile towards the U.S.A. it was an expansion to the the Monroe Doctrine. it basically gave america the right to act if a country was doing something that america did not like. this is a failed act, and stupid because moral values are based on oppinions and extreamly biast.
  • Prohibition

    durring this time period, the government banned the sale and consumtion of alcholic beverages. this created much more under ground activity. including the notorious Al Capone. who became a huge part in the underground activity that was located in Chicago. in 1933 the bill that banned alchol was ratiffied and still today some alchols are still illegeal that at one point werent.