American History

  • 1st Telephone

    1st Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell with the help of his assistant Thomas Watson invented the instrument that we have used for decades; the telephone. This has by any means improved the communication between all humans.
  • The Radio

    The Radio
    Nickola Telsa was a serbian-american inventor who created the first radio back in 1883 using telsa coils.
  • The First Automobile

    The First Automobile
    In 1885 the first gas fueled, running automobile was road tested by Karl Benz. he got a patent for his engine and by July of 1888 he started promoting his vehicles. Between 1888 and 1893 25 Benz vehicles had already been sold.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The great migrationw as a significant event that happened in America. Over 2 million African Americans moved from southern america to the Midwest, West, and northern parts of America. Many migrated to avoid racism, and to seek jobs in industrial America.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This amendment gave women the right to vote. This acheivement was very hard to reach. Man people didn't think women deserved the right to vote, but with protests, and determination women recieved what they deserved.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The 18th Amendment was ratified on January 16th of 1920 prohibiting any consumption, manutacturing, or producing of nay liquor. Many thought it would lower the violence on the streets, as well as home, and that it would help out the soldiers fighting. In the end though, it didn't turn out as many hoped it would and it was retified a decade or so later.
  • The Television

    The Television
    John Logie Baird created the first moving images on a tv. He created motion pictures of 5 images per second and in january he finally got the live movement effect on 12.5 images per second, On January 27, 1926 he gave his first public demonsration of his televison.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black Tuesday was when the New York stock exchange crashed. The prices for the stocks were too high, too high for what they were worht, and then they fell drastically.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    Black Thrusday marked the beginning of the Great Depression. On the 29th of Octorber in 1929 the most devastating Stock Market Crash in the history of the United States of AMerica. It started the 12 year depression that market the United States.
  • FDR President

    FDR President
    President Frankilin Delanor Roosevelt won by a land slide for the presidential election again Hoover. People thought Hoover was worsening the depression by exscesive spenign and protectism. They wanted him out of the oval office. FDR promised many new programs and promised to help the Americnas citizens see an out to this depression. And sure enough he did it!
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    This was the day prohibition finally ended! Many, many people were thrilled when the 18th amendment was ratified, yet many people were distraught that this had happened. This ended all of the undercover breweries and bars.
  • 1933

    in 1933, the depresion reached it's peak. it was now full on. People were out of jobs, the stock market crashed, and many people were on the verge of complete poverty. American lost billions of dollars in the marktet, and there seemed to be no solution. FDR was now elected president and he had a lot of promises he was going to make to help the state of economy.
  • The Hoover Dam

    The Hoover Dam
    The hoover dam was a dam build from 1931-1935 on the Colorado River in Nevada. It was contructed to support floods in the Boudler Canyon, provide irrigation water, and produce hydroelectic power. It wa named after Preseident Herbert Hoover as a controversy.
  • The First Computer

    The First Computer
    Konrad Zuse created the first electro-mechanical binary programmable computer in his parents living room. it took him about 2 years. From 1936-1938. He called it the Z1.
  • Gi Bill of Rights

    Gi Bill of Rights
    The GI bill of right allowed for veterans after WWII to recieve education after serving in the war. It was important because this was one of the factors that led to the baby boom.
  • The frisbee

    The frisbee
    In the 1940's college students from Yale were playing with pie tins from the 1940's throwing them and then catching them, a decade later, Walter Fredrick Morrison designed a flying saucer disk for playing catch. It was produced by a company named Wham-O, Thus the frisbee was born.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    Vinton Cerf an American Computer Scientest developed the internet on 1979. It was initially used to link univeristy data bases and computers around the United States. Then in 1789 Timothy Berners Lee developed the World Wide Web.