George Washington
Gilbert Stuart -
Evening in Arcadia
Thomas Cole -
The Veteran in a Field
Winslow Homer -
Whistler’s Mother
James Abbott McNeill Whistler -
Gross Clinic
Thomas Eakins -
In Autumn Woods
Winslow Homer -
Summer Evening
Childe Hassam -
A Serious Case
Harry Roseland -
Eleanor Holding a Shell
Frank W. Benson -
Dempsey and Firpo
George Bellows -
American Gothic
Grant Wood -
Edward Hopper -
Taking Aim
Don Pretchel -
Freedom From Want
Norman Rockwell -
Christina’s World
Andrew Newell Wyeth -
Sugar Shack
Ernie Barnes -
Works Cited
Andrew Newell Wyeth. 1948.
Childe Hassam. 1886.
Don Pretchel. 1942.
Edward Hopper. 1942.
Ernie Barnes. 1972.
Frank W. Benson. 1902.
George Bellows. 1924.
Gilbert Stuart. 1796.
Grant Wood. 1930.
Harry Roseland. 1898.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler. 1871.
Norman Rockwell.1943.
Thomas Cole. 1830.
Thomas Eakins. 1875.
Winslow Homer. In Autumn Woods. 1878 and 1865.