War breaks out
War breaks out between China and Japan. Japan wins easily, exposing China’s weakness. -
Period: to
Chinese potential
American exports to China increased fourfold. American business leaders were really excited about China’s potential. China bought only two percent of American exports. -
Russia leases Manchuria
1898- Russia demands China allow them to lease Manchuria, a territory recently returned from Japan to China. Soon, several Foreign countries were leasing territory in China. These countries established Spheres of Influence, an area where foreign nation controlled economic development such as railroad construction and mining. -
US had naval bases throughout Russia
America was a huge power in asia. the us had naval bases throughout russia. -
John Hays sends notes to countries.
US secretary of state John Hay sends notes to Countries with leaseholds in China asking them to allow the US to trade in their sphere. The countries agree as long as all other countries agree. -
Society of harmonius fists destroy forgeign devils
society of harmonious fists decided to destroy the ‘foreign devils’ and their chinese christian converts whom they believed were destroying chinese society. the boxers or sohf supported by some chinese troops, besieged foreign embassies in beijing and tianjin