Afican Slavery
Between 1750 and 1900 from one- to two-thirds of the entire population of the Fulani jihad states consisted of enslaved people. The population of the Sokoto caliphate formed by Hausas in the northern Nigeria and Cameroon was half-enslaved in the 19th century. 12 million Africans were shipped over to America to become slaves, those who did not obey their master would be severly punished. -
American Declaration of Independence
The committe that drafted the American Declaration of Independence, had Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R Livingston and John Adams. This day is elebrated in America as a holiday -
The first Fleet Arrives in Botany Bay
1,030 convicts arrived on the shores of botnay bay. The fleet had 767 men, 222 women and 41 children. There were a total of five ships arrive in Botnay Bay -
The French Revolution
Outbreak of the French Revolution as a consequence of high bread prices and dissatisfaction with ruling aristocats who levied high taxes to support extravagant lifestyles. Citizens of headed by the National Guards, storm the Bastille prison. This event started the French Revolution. -
Reign of Terror
The reign of terror was a period of violence that occurred after the onset of the French Revolution, incited by conflict between rival political factions, the Girondins and the Jacobins, and marked by mass executions of "enemies of the revolution". The death toll ranged in the tens of thousands, with 16,594 executed by guillotine (2,639 in Paris) -
Invention of the battery
Alessandro Volta invents a battery to store electrical currents, the unit of electric potential, volt, is named after him. -
Textile works
Machine-wreckers nicknamed Luddites. The attack machinery in a textile factory, because they think it will take their job away from them. Most textile workers -
The first passenger railway
George Stephenson builds the first ever passenger railway between Liverpool and Manchester. -
Voteing age in Britain now 21
Publication of the People's Charter in Britain demanding political reform. Including the right to vote at the age of 21. -
Gold Rush
Edward Hargraves discovers gold near Bathurst, New South Wales. Triggering several gold rushes in Australia which inluded the famous Soverin Hill in Ballarat. -
The last Convicts
Convict transpotation to Australia ceases with the last shipment of convicts. The last shipment of convicts diembarked in Western Australia. 161,700 convict were sent to australia from 1788 to 1868. -
Federation of Australia
Federation of Australia. The six colonies of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia formed one nation. -
The First Official man-carrying machine
The Wrightbrothers, Orville and Wilbur achieve the invention of the first controlled, powered, man-carring flight. It took the brothers three years to plan and make the aircraft. On the day of the flight Orville flew it for the first time achieveing 37 m in 12 seconds. Then Wilbur flew 260 m in 59 seconds. The flights were witnessed by three coastal lifesaving crewmen, a local businessman, and a boy from the village, making these the first public flights and the first well documented. -
The first Ford automobile
Although Ford did not invent the automobile, he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle class Americans could afford to buy. His introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized transportation and American industry. As owner of the Ford Motor Company, he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. -
The sinking of the Titanic
The worlds then largest passenger steam ship, the Titanic. Hits an iceberg in the north-west of the Antartic Ocean and sinks. 1,517 people die. This went down as one of the worst tragities of all time. -
World War 1
This is the start of World War 1 at the time it would be known as the worst war to have ever of happened. There would soon be millions of people dead and wounded in this war so many devistated family and friends. -
The End of World War 1
This was a end to a four year war no one knew why they were fighting it all they new was that it was for the greater good.Millions and millions of people died and towns and countries left in a mess.38,880,500 identified deaths were madein the first World War, this is not including the non-found and un-identified soliders that were left dead.