Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is known as one of the most successful and beloved presidents of the United States. During the Civil War, Lincoln proposed famous speeches such as The Gettysburg Address (Given at Cemetery Ridge), and The Emancipation Procolamation, and ambitious movement with goals to free the slaves, and end the slave trade. Lincoln was assisinated by John Wilkes Booth while watching a play with his wife at Fords Theater. -
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson, a Rebublican of Tennessee, took over as President upon the assisination of Lincoln. He did not have a Vice President by his side, as this was his role under the Lincoln Administration. Johnson is known for implementing a series of Presidential Reconstruction acts during his time in office, and was impeached in 1867. -
Ulysses S. Grant
A Republican of Illinois, Grant played a rather dominant role in the Civil War, and served two terms in the Presidential office. Many scandals occurred throughout Grant's time in office, which tarnished his reputation slightly. Grant was the first person to have both parent's be alive during his presidency. -
James A. Garfield
A Rebublican of Ohio, Garfield's Vice President was Chester A, Arthur. Garfield was elected after completing twelve reconstructive acts with the House of Representatives. Garfield was only in office for six months. -
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland was a Democrat from New York. He ran with Thomas A. Hendricks as his Vice President.Grover was the only president to serve two non consecutive terms as President. -
Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison was a Republican from Indiana. He ran with Levi P. Morton as his Vice President. He was elected over Grover Cleveland, and pushed Civil Reform during his time in office. -
Wlliam McKinley
McKinley was a Republican from Ohio, whose duel Vice Presidents were Garret A. Hobart and Theodore Roosevelt. McKinley led the nation to a victory during the Spanish American War, and promoted American industry by raising protective tariffs. His term ended with assassination. -
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt was a New York Republican. Charles W. Fairbanks served as Roosevelt's Vice President. Americans credit Roosevelet with forever changing the American political system. -
William Howard Taft
President Taft was a Republican from Ohio. His Vice President was James S. Sherman. Taft won the election due to heightened Republican support after the Roosevelt administration. -
Woodrow Wilsom
Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat from New Jersey when he served as President alongside Vice President Thomas R. Marshall. Wilson is known for bringing a strong sense of Moralism into his politics. He served two terms, and he and Grover Cleveland were the only Democratic presidents since 1856.