American Colonies by Anna Brouillette

  • Roanoke

    Off the east coast of North America, a small colony was founded by John White called Roanoke. This settlement was the first colony in the New World, although it was not permanent. During the settlement, the weather was extremely harsh which led them to require more resources. White went back to England to ask for more manpower and resources. However, when he came back after three years he found the settlement completely empty.
  • Jamestown

    The first permanent Eglish colony to survive in the new world was Jamestown located in Virginia. During their settlement, many died due to harsh winter conditions. Other setbacks were that the men refused to work. The natives helped the English learn new skills useful in that area. They also taught them about the land.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was the first legislature made up of elective representatives in North America. The assembly could meet privately, they met at Jamestone Virginia. The House of Burgesses became and instrument of government along with Great Britan.Once the colonies gained independence from Great Britan this became the House of Delagets.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    John Winthrop was a lawyer who led puritans to migrate to New England in 1630. They came to Massachusetts Bay Colony, in the hope to find religious freedom and preach their beliefs to others. They believed if they were maintaining good faith and upholding Gods ways they would be blessed. They wanted to set an example to inspire others to achieve the same lifestyle.
  • Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower compact

    Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower compact
    In the search for a new life, a group of 100 sailed to the new worlds. This group consisted of separatists and they sailed on the Mayflower. Harsh winter conditions caused many people to die. During this time they needed leadership so the leaders of Plymouth signed a compact. This compact placed law and order throughout the colony.
  • New York

    New York
    New York was a Middle Colony that was settled by the Dutch. At first, this area was called New Netherlands, and New York City was called New Amsterdam. The Dutch used a "Patroon" system to promote settlement which brought in many people. Dutch landowners rented out their land to farmers. In 1652 the British and Dutch began to fight. The Dutch surrendered without a fight. This area was renamed for the Duke of York.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    John Winthrop was a governor who led a group of Puritans, they settled Massachusetts Bay Colony. Winthrop wanted to be as a city on a hill so that everyone may look to them. The Puritan religion based all of the laws and people who didn't follow these laws were called dissenters. This area began to be flooded with Puritans.
  • Maryland

    Lord Baltimore settled Maryland, a southern colony. Baltimore made Maryland a safe area for Catholics to live in. He convinced the King into giving him 100 million acres of land there. Baltimore died soon after and was unable to finish his plan for Catholics. His son got inherited the land and sold it to any married couples. This ruined Lord Baltimore's plan.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Roger Williams settled a New Egland colony, this was Rhode Island. Williams believed in the separation of church and state. This went against government authorities. He soon became banished from the same place he settled because of strict laws.
  • Connecticut

    The founder of Connecticut was Thomas Hooker. John Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, wrote to Hooker asking him to come to Massachusetts. While in Massachusetts, Hooker requested to leave in search of Connecticut. Once they received permission Hooker and his wife left Boston.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

     Maryland Toleration Act
    Catholics got a protection act, this act was the Maryland Toleration Act. this was the second law in the colonies that protected religious rights. This law was given freedom of worship to all Christians. However, those who didn't believe in Christ were sentenced to death.
  • Carolina

    King Charles granted a charter to 8 English men who were royal nobles. These men founded the Carolinas and made it a southern colony. This colony became a large export of cash crops. The export of crops made this colony extremely wealthy. Because of their need for work in Plantations they had a large number of slaves.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon led Virginia settlers in a rebellion against Governor William Berkeley. Berkely refused to retaliate. Some thought that this was just Bacon's way of getting back at Berkley. The Rebellion burned down Jamestown. This was the first rebellion against a colony under royal control. During this attack, Bacon died and many of his men were hung.
  • Pennsylvania

    King Charles II gave a land grant to William Penn. He went to the new world and formed Pennsylvania. Penn was a Quaker and his goal for Pennslyvania was to make it into a colony that could have freedom of religion. Pennsylvania was known as a "Holy experiment".
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    The British government did not give attention to the colonies in the new world, which they needed. They did not enforce rules or policies. This made the colonies independent and self-governing. Then a Navigation Act was adopted which help bring trade and materials to colonies.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    In Salem Village, Mass. there were young girls who all began to become ill in 1692. Many citizens believed the devil was possessing young girls souls. Some girls admitted to cohersing with the devil and gave names of other people that were also. They did this because if they didn't they were put in jail or hung. A wave of hysteria swept through the area, everyone was accusing everyone. Husbands were even accusing their wives.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    A religious revival occurred in the new world. This religious revival made people begin to question their religion, what they believed in. They began to focus more on the logical and scientific reasons instead of the ones that they learned from their religion. Since people were trying to figure out what they believed in the Church goers became a smaller number.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    Representatives from seven colonies in the new world adopted a plan. The plan was to place all of the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. Benjamin Franklin was the leader of this plan. Some people disagreed with this plan and this lead to the French-Indian war.
  • French-Indian War

    French-Indian War
    This war was a battle between the French and Indian which lasted 7 years. It was for control of the North American colonies. This consisted of many battles in different places. A treaty that gave the French Florida and British Canada. This was called the Treaty of Paris and it ended the war.
  • Proclamation of 1762

    Proclamation of 1762
    At the end of the French-Indian War, the British wrote the Proclamation of 1762. The Proclamation of 1762 stated that Europeans could not settle anywhere on Native American Lands. British colonies stayed west of the Appalachian Mountains and the American Indians stayed on the west side of the mountains. This line of separation was known as the proclamation line.