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American Civil Rights Movement

By aj_2468
  • Jim Crow Laws

    The jim crow laws were racial segregation laws in 1876 to 1965. Becuase of the Jim crow laws and lynchings in the southern states, many African American Moved to nothern states. About 1.6 million African Americans left the southern states.
  • The Congress of Racial Equality was formed

    On the 1st of march, 1942 the Congress of Racial Equality was formed. It was also known as CORE. CORE played a massive part African-Americans in the Civil rights movement. They were one of 4 major Civil rights organisation with the SCLC, the SNCC and the NAACP.
  • Segregation on busses

    The Supreme Court declared segregation on buses that crossed state borders was illegal.
  • Rosa Park Refused to get off her seat.

    On 1st December, 1955 Rosa Park had finished work and was sitting on the bus.The buss was full and oe white people came on board. The driver told Rosa Parks and 3 other African Americans to stand up and let the white people sit. She refused and said "im not moving". The driver called the police and she was arrested. She had to spend the night in jail and fined $10, plus $4 in court costs.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a protest against racial segregation on public transport and in public. The campaign lasted from December 4 1955 to December 20, 1956. The plan was for no black person to board a bus. The plan was so succesful becaus majority of people who go on busses were black people so the companies were effected massively.
  • Dr Martin Luther King became the first president of SCLC

    Dr Martin Luther King became president and chaired the South Christian Leadership Conference until he was assinated in April 4th 1968
  • James Meredith is the 1st black person to enroll in a uni.

    James Meredith becomes the first black student to enroll at the University of Mississippi. He got a gegree in law and had a role in the civil rights movement
  • John F Kennedy famous speech on civil rights

    On the 11th of June 1963 President John F. Kennedy gave what some say is the greatest and most important speeches of all time.
  • Assassination of NAACP leader Medgar Evers

    In 1963 the NAACP leader Medgar Evers was assassinated by Bryon De La Beckwith, a member of the White Citizens' Council. He thought a more direct action was needed.
  • Martin Luther King Jr get assisnated

    On the 4h of April, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr was staying At his hotel. At 6:01 Martin Luther King Jr was standing on the balcony of his hotel when he was shot in the right cheek which broke his jaw. His last words were ": "Ben, make sure you play, Take My Hand, Precious Lord"