
American and European Events

  • DNA Photograph (Date not found)

    DNA Photograph (Date not found)
    Some time in 1952, x-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin photographed DNA. This later helped back the double helix theory. In our history, this was the first step to modern genetics. Now we have huge microscopes and have more presice images of the double helix DNA. We also are able to modify genetic structure.
  • DNA Picture

    DNA Picture
  • DNA Picture

    DNA Picture
  • Elizabeth II Succeeds George VI Cont.

    Elizabeth II Succeeds George VI Cont.
    Fun fact: even though she is maried and a guy gets power, Elizabeth II is still has the most power.
  • Queen Elizabeth Picture

    Queen Elizabeth Picture
  • Elizabeth II Succeeds George VI

    Elizabeth II Succeeds George VI
    On Febuary Sixth, 1952, George VI died. His eldest daugter, Elizabeth II succeeded George as Royal Leader of Great Britain. The United Kingdom greatly embraced George VI, and were upset with his death. When he died, Great Britain struggled with adjusting to a new ruler. The people of Great Brtitain soon found out that Elizabeth II made a great replacement for her father. Now, Queen Elizabeth has done a great job leader her kingdom. She also, and continues to, bring in much wealth.
  • Color TV

    Color TV
    On December Thirtieth, 1953, the first colored TV was introduced. This was a huge step in the current broadcasting of black and white. In very little time, the TV industry took off. Within 50 years we had flatscreen TV’s. Not much later TV addons by satellite, such as Cable or Directv, became a thing. Now things like Netflix and Amazon Prime Our TV’s can be High definition and can be curved.
  • Color TV Picture

    Color TV Picture
  • Color TV Picture

    Color TV Picture
  • Polio Vaccination

    Polio Vaccination
    On Febuary Twenty Third, 1954, scientists successfully made the Polio Vaccination. Many children at the time were getting infected with this. Many were even dying from it. But now scientists had made a veccine that completely basically ended it. Now, we have made many vaccinations on different diseases, such as smallpox and influenza. Polio is a very rare disease in the United States and only about a handful of kids get infected.
  • Polio Vaccination Picture

    Polio Vaccination Picture
  • Polio Vaccination Picture

    Polio Vaccination Picture
  • Last Hanging

    Last Hanging
    On July Thirteenth, 1955, Ruth Ellis was hanged. she was hanged for the murder of her lover, David Blakly. This was the last hanging ever recorded in Britain. Now death penalties are more humane. The most common is an injection. Now we do not have to watch such horrid public executions.
  • Last Hanging Picture

    Last Hanging Picture
  • Last Hanging Picture

    Last Hanging Picture
  • Elvis Album Picture

    Elvis Album Picture
  • Elvis Releases His First Album

    Elvis Releases His First Album
    On January Twenty-seventh, 1956, Elvis released his first album. He was a huge hit across the country. The girls loved him. All everybody talked about was Elvis and his amazing album. His belly dancing was considered offensive and dirty so they could not tape him from the waist down. Elvis suspiciously died on his toilet from substance abuse. He started the rock era which later became our current new rock with artists like Elle King and Bruno Mars.
  • Elvis Album Picture

    Elvis Album Picture
  • Sputnik

    On October Fourth, 1957, Sputnik was launched by the USSR. This was the first artificial satellite in space. This was the beginning of a new era. The current era of technology. We now have launched many satellites into space. Now, our modern TV is broadcasted by satellite.
  • Sputnik PIcture

    Sputnik PIcture
  • Sputnik Picture

    Sputnik Picture
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    On November Third, 1957, the USSR launched Sputnik II, and with it a dog named Laika. Laika was the first dog and second animal to enter space. This proved that living things could make it in space which lead to the Space Discover era. By 1968 the U.S had man on the moon. This being said meant we broke through the radioactive atmosphere. Now, we have an International Space station and every six months, we send new astronauts to the ISS.
  • Sputnik 2 Picture

    Sputnik 2 Picture
  • Sputnik 2 Picture

    Sputnik 2 Picture
  • Voyager 1 Launched

    Voyager 1 Launched
    On January 31st, 1958, Voyager One was launched. This spacecraft was supposed to make it to the edge of the solar system. It was also supposed to pass all the gas giants. It did successfully do both of those missions. But, what scientists did not expect was for it to continue past the solar system. Now, both voyagers are past the solar system and are in intergalactic space. This has shown us so much more about what is in our universe.
  • Voyager 1 Pictures

    Voyager 1 Pictures
  • Voyager 1 Pictures

    Voyager 1 Pictures
  • Alaska/Hawaii Picture

    Alaska/Hawaii Picture
  • Period: to

    Hawaii and Alaska Added to the U.S

    On January Third, 1959, Alaska became a state. America got an addition one third the size of the continental United States. This added much size, more people, and more resources to the United States. Now the U.S is the third largest country in the world.
    On August Twenty First, 1959, Hawaii became a state. This made a great vacation destination for many people. Now, we make a lot of money off of tourism and pineapples from Hawaii. Hawaii produces most of the worlds pineapples.
  • Alaska/Hawaii Picture

    Alaska/Hawaii Picture
  • Alaska/Hawaii Picture

    Alaska/Hawaii Picture