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America's Neglect on the Jewish Conflict

  • Nazi anti-Semitic actions prompted many Jews to immigrate to other countries

    Nazi anti-Semitic actions prompted many Jews to immigrate to other countries
    US Congress had blocked most efforts to allow fleeing Jews to immigrate to the US leaving them stranded
  • St. Louis passengers in Europe was deemed a diplomatic success

    St. Louis passengers in Europe was deemed a diplomatic success
    Almost one-third of the St. Louis passengers died in the Holocaust due to them running out of food forcing them back into Europe
  • Refugee immigration laws had been changed

    Refugee immigration laws had been changed
    The laws had been decreased as Congress had thought to eliminate all immigration from Europe
  • Refugee’s vessel stopped by the beach for 2 hours

    Refugee’s vessel stopped by the beach for 2 hours
    A ship carrying 907 German Jews halts for two hours as the Coast Guard patrols nearby.
  • U.S. cuts off escape for many

    U.S. cuts off escape for many
    Thousands who had booked passage from Libson now face rejection many Visa’s voided
  • The State Department received a copy of a cable sent by the World Jewish Congress’s

    The State Department received a copy of a cable sent by the World Jewish Congress’s
    Gerhart Riegner stated that the Nazis were implementing a policy to annihilate the Jews of Europe.
  • Nazi's were implementing a policy to annihilate the Jews of Europe

    Nazi's were implementing a policy to annihilate the Jews of Europe
    Only in November 1942 did the State Department finally confirm its accuracy and allow the Nazi policy of mass murder to be publicized.
  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the War Refugee Board

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the War Refugee Board
    The board led efforts to get neutral countries to accept refugees; it funded boats to ferry refugees out of Romania, and it established a temporary refuge for some Jews
  • Germany occupied Hungary

    Germany occupied Hungary
    Hungarian authorities deported around 440,000. Although the War Refugee Board is credited with saving as many as 200,000 lives, more than 800,000 Jews were murdered from the time the board was established until the end of the war. The majority of these Jews were from Hungary.
  • US bombs areas near Auschwitz

    US bombs areas near Auschwitz
    100,000 Jews had been gassed weeks after this event.