
America's Beginning

  • Jamestown's founder

    Jamestown's founder
    Jamestown was founded in 1607 and was originally named after king James.
  • Duke of York

    Duke of York
    New York was founded and named after James, Duke of York.
  • Mostly Catholic

    Mostly Catholic
    Maryland was named after Queen Henrietta Maria. It became the first English colony to have dominant Catholic members.
  • Boston Latin School

    Boston Latin School
    The first public school in America was founded in Massachusetts (Boston Latin School).
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    North Carolina was founded, even though it was among the first places to be inhabited in the New World in 1587.
  • Constitution of Carolina

    Constitution of Carolina
    A revised document to what the Lord Proprietors devised to govern their New World provinces, which allowed colonists a fair degree of control over their own government. http://www.carolana.com/Carolina/Documents/fundamental_constitutions_overview.html
  • Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania was officially founded in 1681, named after Peter Minuit, who had rightly claimed it in 1638.
  • An Invasion in Georgia

    An Invasion in Georgia
    Georgia was subjects to frequent invasions, but the worst was in 1716, when it became totally devoid of people. http://totallyhistory.com/thirteen-original-colonies/
  • Street Fight in Boston

    Street Fight in Boston
    The "Boston Massacre", a term coined by Samuel Adams, took place on the steps of the Customs House on King Street. The incident was a direct result of a British soldier, a redcoat named Hugh White, hitting a young boy, Edward Garrick, with the butt of his rifle for insulting the British officer Captain Goldfinch. https://www.landofthebrave.info/boston-massacre-facts.htm
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    "No taxation without representation". Members of The Sons of Liberty boarded three ships and threw their cargo of tea into the Boston Harbor, destroying all 342 containers of tea, a total of 90,000 pounds. This was to show their objections only being to buy tea from one British company, the East India Trading company, along with having to pay the high taxes on the tea (The Tea Act).