America in the World

  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

  • 1501

    Transatlantic Slave Trade

  • Virginia Colony

  • Pequot War

  • King Phillip's War

  • French and Indian War

  • Proclamation of neutrality

  • Jay treaty

  • Pinckney Treaty

  • XYZ Affair

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Non intercourse Act

  • Macon's Bill No. 2

  • War of 1812

  • Treaty of Ghent

  • Rush Bagot Agreement

  • Adams Onis treaty

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • U.S. annexed Texas

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed

  • Mexican Cession

  • Gadsden Purchase

  • Trent Affair

  • Confiscation Acts

  • Habeas Corpus Suspension

  • Sewards Folly

  • Spanish American War occurs

  • Hawaii and Pearl Harbor Obtained

  • Open Door Policy

  • Big Stick Diplomacy

  • World War 1 begins

  • Panama Canal

  • US enters WW1

  • Zimmerman telegram

  • Fourteen Points Speech

  • Red Scare

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Four Freedoms

  • World Bank

  • Iron Curtain

  • Truman Doctrine

  • Marshall Plan

  • NATO is created

  • Korean War

  • Warsaw Pact

  • Sputnik

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

  • "Evil Empire" Speech

  • Iran Contra Affair

  • Berlin Wall

  • NAFTA signed

  • European Union

  • World Trade Organization

  • 9/11

  • Al Qaeda